SFTP: Erroneous permission errors when trying to copy many files from SFTP site

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

When copying many files with sftp, I get occasional erroneous permission denied errors

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone v1.69.0
- os/version: darwin 15.1.1 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 24.1.0 (arm64)
- os/type: darwin
- os/arch: arm64 (ARMv8 compatible)
- go/version: go1.23.4
- go/linking: dynamic
- go/tags: none

In addition, I have experienced the same error with v1.67.0 - v1.69.0 on Ubuntu.

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone copy \
  --modify-window 2s \
  --fast-list \
  --update \
  --sftp-connections 4 \
  --multi-thread-streams 4 \
  --transfers 4 \
  -vv \
  remote-sftp:. .

Please run 'rclone config redacted' and share the full output. If you get command not found, please make sure to update rclone.

type = sftp
host = XXX
user = XXX
port = 6671
pass = XXX
shell_type = unix
md5sum_command = none
sha1sum_command = none
connections = 5
macs = hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com
key_exchange = ecdh-sha2-nistp384
ciphers = aes256-ctr
host_key_algorithms = rsa-sha2-512
use_fstat = true

A log from the command that you were trying to run with the -vv flag

2025/02/06 17:54:10 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.69.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "copy" "--modify-window" "2s" "--fast-list" "--update" "--sftp-shell-type" "unix" "--sftp-md5sum-command" "none" "--sftp-sha1sum-command" "none" "--sftp-connections" "4" "--multi-thread-streams" "4" "--transfers" "4" "--sftp-macs" "hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com" "--sftp-key-exchange" "ecdh-sha2-nistp384" "--sftp-ciphers" "aes256-ctr" "--sftp-host-key-algorithms" "rsa-sha2-512" "-vv" "remote-sftp:." "."]
2025/02/06 17:54:10 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "remote-sftp:."
2025/02/06 17:54:10 DEBUG : Using config file from "/Users/russ/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2025/02/06 17:54:10 DEBUG : remote-sftp: detected overridden config - adding "{bi1gX}" suffix to name
2025/02/06 17:54:11 DEBUG : sftp://XXXX@XXXX:6671/.: New connection>XXXX:6671 to "SSH-2.0-SSHD"
2025/02/06 17:54:11 DEBUG : sftp://XXXX@XXXX:6671/.: Shell type "unix" from config
2025/02/06 17:54:11 DEBUG : sftp://XXXX@XXXX:6671/.: Relative path resolved to "/"
2025/02/06 17:54:11 DEBUG : sftp://XXXX@XXXX:6671/.: Using root directory "/"
2025/02/06 17:54:11 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "remote-sftp:." to be canonical "remote-sftp{bi1gX}:."
2025/02/06 17:54:11 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "."
2025/02/06 17:54:11 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "." to be canonical "/home/XXXX/log"
2025/02/06 17:54:12 DEBUG : Added delayed dir = "log", newDst=<nil>
2025/02/06 17:54:12 DEBUG : test_file: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2025/02/06 17:54:12 DEBUG : sftp://XXXX@XXXX:6671/.: New connection>XXXX:6671 to "SSH-2.0-SSHD"
2025/02/06 17:54:12 DEBUG : log/t0_d0_a0.pdf: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
*[SNIPPED - 525 lines of similar output, with diffferent filenames]*
2025/02/06 17:54:12 DEBUG : log/t0_d0_a99.pdf: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2025/02/06 17:54:12 DEBUG : log/ADS_PDF_DATA.pubtag: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2025/02/06 17:54:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /home/XXXX/log: Waiting for checks to finish
2025/02/06 17:54:12 DEBUG : Local file system at /home/XXXX/log: Waiting for transfers to finish
2025/02/06 17:54:13 DEBUG : test_file.8e81cfff.partial: renamed to: test_file
2025/02/06 17:54:13 INFO  : test_file: Copied (new)
2025/02/06 17:54:13 DEBUG : sftp://XXXX@XXXX:6671/.: New connection>XXXX:6671 to "SSH-2.0-SSHD"
2025/02/06 17:54:13 DEBUG : sftp://XXXX@XXXX:6671/.: New connection>XXXX:6671 to "SSH-2.0-SSHD"
2025/02/06 17:54:13 DEBUG : log/t0_d0_a0.pdf.2f80f023.partial: renamed to: log/t0_d0_a0.pdf
2025/02/06 17:54:13 INFO  : log/t0_d0_a0.pdf: Copied (new)
*[SNIPPED - 207 pairs of line of similar output, with diffferent filenames]*
2025/02/06 17:54:54 DEBUG : log/t0_d0_a285.pdf.cc7fc973.partial: renamed to: log/t0_d0_a285.pdf
2025/02/06 17:54:54 INFO  : log/t0_d0_a285.pdf: Copied (new)
2025/02/06 17:54:54 DEBUG : sftp://XXXX@XXXX:6671/.: Connection OK after error: permission denied
2025/02/06 17:54:54 ERROR : log/t0_d0_a289.pdf: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: Open failed: permission denied
2025/02/06 17:54:55 DEBUG : sftp://XXXX@XXXX:6671/.: Connection OK after error: permission denied
2025/02/06 17:54:55 ERROR : log/t0_d0_a290.pdf: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: Open failed: permission denied
2025/02/06 17:54:55 DEBUG : log/t0_d0_a287.pdf.e1b4a4e.partial: renamed to: log/t0_d0_a287.pdf
2025/02/06 17:54:55 INFO  : log/t0_d0_a287.pdf: Copied (new)
2025/02/06 17:54:55 DEBUG : log/t0_d0_a288.pdf.dc41fbfa.partial: renamed to: log/t0_d0_a288.pdf
2025/02/06 17:54:55 INFO  : log/t0_d0_a288.pdf: Copied (new)
2025/02/06 17:54:55 DEBUG : sftp://XXXX@XXXX:6671/.: Connection OK after error: permission denied
2025/02/06 17:54:55 ERROR : log/t0_d0_a291.pdf: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: Open failed: permission denied
2025/02/06 17:54:55 DEBUG : sftp://XXXX@XXXX:6671/.: Connection OK after error: permission denied
2025/02/06 17:54:55 ERROR : log/t0_d0_a293.pdf: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: Open failed: permission denied
2025/02/06 17:54:55 DEBUG : log/t0_d0_a29.pdf.f380b30f.partial: renamed to: log/t0_d0_a29.pdf
2025/02/06 17:54:55 INFO  : log/t0_d0_a29.pdf: Copied (new)
^C2025/02/06 17:55:03 INFO  : Signal received: interrupt
2025/02/06 17:55:03 INFO  : log/t0_d0_a342.pdf.23571269.partial: Removing failed copy
2025/02/06 17:55:03 INFO  : log/t0_d0_a345.pdf.e17d6383.partial: Removing failed copy
2025/02/06 17:55:03 INFO  : Exiting...

welcome to the forum,

sftp does not support ListR, so does not support --fast-list

as you can imagine, that error is returned from the server. rclone is simply printing it.
what did you find in the debug log of the sftp server?

can you post something to show that rclone is at fault or has a bug?

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