Several RClone containers to mount GDrive

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I'm trying to create two RClone containers with Docker and Portainer. Each container should mount a different Google Drive account to a directory of the server so the Plex container that also runs in the server access to their content.
Options I'm thinking: (using docker rclone:rclone image)
1.- Just one shared rclone.conf file with all the GDrive accounts. Two different systemd scripts also in the server directory which are selected by each docker container.
2.- Just one shared rclone.conf file with all the GDrive accounts. RClone command launched by the docker configuration.

Which option would you take? I'm trying to find how to include the systemd scripts in the Portainer configuration for the docker container, but.. Do you know a good guide?

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Linux Ubuntu Server

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive

THANKS!! I will write all the tasks/recipes here when it works.

If you use the rclone/rclone:beta container then you can use the docs here:

There are examples on how to make mounts there which you might find helpful :slight_smile:

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