Sending data TO Gdrive: 403: Rate Limit Exceeded

now we need a switch in rclone which stops the data transfer at 700GB / day
and you could crontab it to upload every day only 700GB each

which is fair all the people already having their whole movie library on gdrive, whom just want to upload new stuff
and for them 700GB/day is enough
I have maybe 30-45GB /day :smiley:

2017/08/18 16:55:51 INFO :
Transferred: 1060.339 GBytes (83.001 MBytes/s)
Errors: 0
Checks: 31
Transferred: 2766
Elapsed time: 3h38m1.5s

my friend didn’t get capped today not sure how this happened

Some big transfers might have started already before the 750gb cap was reached.

What bwlimit are people currently using? im using 8M

What bwlimit are people currently using? im using 8M

Not using any limit, uploading at 700-800 megabits/s.

With my Enterprise account I received this message 40 minute ago from the Google Cloud Platform support, API team:

Recently the Drive engineering team implemented new daily upload quotas on a user account basis, once these limits are hit they take 24 hours to reset. The Drive engineering team do not make their limits public and limits are subject to change at their discretion. Support have not been informed of the limit however recent cases indicate that it is indeed a 750GB daily upload limit per user account.

but are you hitting the limit?

Yes, I think everyone is hitting the 750gb per 24 hour limit. I’m hitting it on multiple non-related accounts.

Interesting. That strategy has the possibility to trigger both bans - both the “maximum one >100GB blob/day” ban and the “maximum 750GB/day” ban.

Please let us know how long it took you to finish the transfers, once they are done. The experience so far is that the transfer rate is severily throttled, once the 750GB/day ban kicks in.

In your case, I presume the bans will kick in once the first 1TB file transfer is done.


I’ve arranged an interview with a Google Drive engineer - the engineering team is responsible for this .75 TB limit.

I can ask him a few question. Please submit questions (1-3 questions per person)!
I will hand off him the best questions.

Thanks unvency.

  1. Is it possible to increase the limit to maybe 5TB/day for new users to transfer data?

The 750g daily limit is very deficient when a user like me just moved to G Suite. I need transfer TBs from old drives. It will take 2-3 weeks now. :frowning:

  1. Can they limit only to edu account users?

I mean we all know lots of edu account users just paid maybe $5 for the account and uploaded even 100+TBs. Thats not fair to paying users when they abuse the storage for free but all of us suffer the consequences

So… since the new limit is most likely here to stay is there any way to upload x over a extended period of time?

Use BWlimit, get the calculator out to decide what limit.

I just let rclone run, it continues when the ban is lifted.

Im always getting 403 fobidden, I dont know what to do :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the command Im using, please help! What Im doing wrong?

rclone --drive-chunk-size 512M --transfers=1 --checkers 1 --no-check-certificate --delete-excluded --checksum --log-level DEBUG --log-file /var/log/rclone-copy.log --tpslimit 1 copy gdrive1:media/Peliculas gdrive2:Peliculas

you must be hitting the limit of 750GB/day since your not using the --bwlimit

Thanks! I’ll test bwlimit.

If you want to do 750Gb Transfer per day, go with --bwlimit=8M and it’s on safe spot and you won’t get ban.

Google phoned today and confirmed ~750GB/day upload, but it is only confirmed by (probably) our post here, as the drive engineers do not disclose any limits.

I asked about the 10TB/day download and they said there has been no change.

I’ve not been able to pull 10TB/day recently, has anyone else had this issue?

750gb/day = 8680 kb/sec

I started a large upload (move) to G Suite which has been running for 39hrs 40mins with no errors, using the following flags

–bwlimit=8650k --fast-list --size-only

Went with 8650 just to have a bit of headroom