Scripting: create STRM files from rclone remote

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

My goal is to create STRM files from rclone mount /mnt/cloud/media in /mnt/local/media in order for Emby to create metadata (images and nfo's) in the local system as only the actual media is stored in the cloud. And to avoid using scripts designed for Kodi which directly access the Google API, adding to the API usage.

The tv series directory is structured media/tv/quality/Series Name (Year)/Season xx/Series Name (Year) [ch].quality-resolution.ext.

The movies directory is structured media/movies/quality/Movie Name (Year)/Movie Name (Year) [ch].quality-resolution.ext and media/movies/quality/Movie Name (Year)/extras/Extra [ch].quality-resolution.ext.

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

- os/version: ubuntu 22.04 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 5.15.0-97-generic (x86_64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.19.4
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: none

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Team Drive

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

Not applicable

Please run 'rclone config redacted' and share the full output. If you get command not found, please make sure to update rclone.

type = drive
client_id = XXX
client_secret = XXX
scope = drive
token = XXX
team_drive = XXX
root_folder_id = 

type = drive
client_id = XXX
client_secret = XXX
scope = drive
root_folder_id = 
token = XXX
team_drive = XXX

type = drive
client_id = XXX
client_secret = XXX
scope = drive
root_folder_id = 
token = XXX
team_drive = XXX

type = drive
client_id = XXX
client_secret = XXX
scope = drive
root_folder_id = 
token = XXX
team_drive = XXX

type = drive
client_id = XXX
client_secret = XXX
scope = drive
root_folder_id = 
token = XXX
team_drive = XXX

A log from the command that you were trying to run with the -vv flag

Not applicable

And what is STRM file? What you expect from rclone really?

You mention your goal:

which is nice to share with wider community. But no word what the issue is:)

A STRM file is a stream link file, which is a text file with the link to the remote media file. They are stored in your local media structure and are used as a way for Emby, Plex, etc. to basically have a local placeholder for the actual remote media, so metadata (nfo, coverart, clearart, backrops, subtitle, etc.) can be stored locally.

Thx for clarification. Not sure though if it is the right forum....

It's not necessarily a problem with rclone, just fishing for general help from the community.

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