Script to run RClone

I use WIndows 10.

Could someone tell me what is the easier method to run RClone Sync since a script/notepad/file?

This is what I have in rcloneSync.bat file.

%comspec% /k rclone.exe sync Q:/ServerFolders/Plex GD-crypt: --config ./rclone.conf -v --progress --stats 5s --size-only
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sorry, not sure what you mean, please describe, in detail, what you need help with.

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%comspec% /k, that is not needed.

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the simplete script would be this, could call it rmount.cmd
rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode full jtm2021hyo:\ x: -v

and when running a script, might want to use --no-console, which is hide the console windows

here is a more complex script, which can be used as a template for other scripts.
to run a batch file at boot time, using task scheduler, this would be a good batch file.

@set RCLONE_CONFIG_PASS=secrect.password
@set RCLONE_CONFIG=c:\data\rclone\rclone.conf
@set rcmd=c:\data\rclone\rclone.exe
@set logfile=c:\data\rclone\log.txt
@set log=--log-level=INFO --log-file=%logilfe%

@del %logfile%
%rcmd% mount jtm2021hyo:\ x: --vfs-cache-mode full  --no-console %log%
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True. But when I start a copy or sync running overnight, I like to be able to see the status when rclone finishes when I get up in the morning. This leaves the terminal window open.

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another option, which i use, is pause
as that works with a script with a single command and with multiple commands.

rclone sync Q:/ServerFolders/Plex GD-crypt: ......
rclone cryptcheck Q:/ServerFolders/Plex GD-crypt: ......
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I like the remount.cmd script method.

Is there any python-rclone-script template to just edit/copy/paste my Rclone Mount command?

sorry, not sure what you are asking?

you want to run/execute a dos command via python?
i can provide examples of how to do that.

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I would really appreciate a python sample running Rclone Mount command.

i have a python script that runs rclone, 7zip, fastcopy, and creates VSS snapshots

here are two ways to run any windows/dos command

i will simply copy and paste them into this post, as is.
you can tweak them to your use-case

the main point is that both use

this is a simple way. just change Cmd to your command

Cmd = f'{ScriptsDir}\\swithmail.exe --to "{SwithMailEmailAddress}" --silent --xml "{SwithMailXMLFile}" --subject "rcloner Status={TheBackupStatus} BackupName={Com.BackupNameFull} HostName={Com.HostName} "  --body "{BStatus}" --log {Com.BackupLogDir}\\sendmail.log'
x =, cwd=ScriptsDir, capture_output=True, text=True)

and this is a more complex function

    def DoCmd(self, Text, Cmd, Input='', Env=''):
            if Common.DebugMode:
                Common.Log(self, f'DebugMode: DoCmd: {Text}={Cmd}')
            Common.Log(self, f'DoCmd: Start:   {Text}={Cmd}')
            the_env = {};   the_env = dict(os.environ)
            if Env != '':   the_env.update(Env)
  , cwd=Common.ScriptsDir, capture_output=True, text=True, input=Input, env=the_env)
            if len(x.stdout) != 0:  xfile = open(f'{Common.BackupLogDir}\\{Text}.stdout.log', "w");   xfile.write(x.stdout); xfile.close()
            if len(x.stderr) != 0:  xfile = open(f'{Common.BackupLogDir}\\{Text}.stderr.log', "w");   xfile.write(x.stderr); xfile.close()
            if x.returncode==0:
                Common.Log(self, f'DoCmd: End:   {Text}={Cmd}')
                return x
                Common.DoEnd(self, f'ERROR: DoCmd: End {Text}={Cmd} with returncode={x.returncode}')
        except Exception as exception:
            Common.DoEnd(self, f'ERROR: DoCmd={Cmd} - {traceback.format_exc()}')
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Your script looks cool, but a bit complex to understand.

I just want to use Commands like RClone Sync, RClone Mount, RClone Copy, and if possible, use a GUI created in pything script to help select any simple folder to update my GDrive.

import subprocess
import system

Cmd = rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode full JTM-PRO-01: C:\JTM\RCLONE\JTM-PRO=001\ -v
x =, cwd=ScriptsDir, capture_output=True, text=True)

def DoCmd(self, Text, Cmd, Input='', Env=''):
            if Common.DebugMode:
                Common.Log(self, f'DebugMode: DoCmd: {Text}={Cmd}')
            Common.Log(self, f'DoCmd: Start:   {Text}={Cmd}')
            the_env = {};   the_env = dict(os.environ)
            if Env != '':   the_env.update(Env)
  , cwd=Common.ScriptsDir, capture_output=True, text=True, input=Input, env=the_env)
            if len(x.stdout) != 0:  xfile = open(f'{Common.BackupLogDir}\\{Text}.stdout.log', "w");   xfile.write(x.stdout); xfile.close()
            if len(x.stderr) != 0:  xfile = open(f'{Common.BackupLogDir}\\{Text}.stderr.log', "w");   xfile.write(x.stderr); xfile.close()
            if x.returncode==0:
                Common.Log(self, f'DoCmd: End:   {Text}={Cmd}')
                return x
                Common.DoEnd(self, f'ERROR: DoCmd: End {Text}={Cmd} with returncode={x.returncode}')
        except Exception as exception:
            Common.DoEnd(self, f'ERROR: DoCmd={Cmd} - {traceback.format_exc()}')

note: the function DoCmd is not needed.
just use the simple, two line version.

Cmd = rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode full JTM-PRO-01: C:\JTM\RCLONE\JTM-PRO=001\ -v
x =, cwd=ScriptsDir, capture_output=True, text=True)

--- creating a GUI in python would be next level complex.
i made a choice not use a GUI, instead of read information from a .ini file

RcloneCopyFiles=--immutable --stats=5h --fast-list --bind= --include="*.{vib,vbk}" --max-age=30d --s3-no-check-bucket=true

--- rclone, itself has a GUI, tho it is experinmenal
--- there is RcloneBrowser, that is stable and has a GUI.

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