S3 operation fails when region specified in environment variable

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

rclone operation fails when S3 region is specified via an environment variable. Same configuration works when specified in ~/.rclone.confg so this seems to be a bug with env var configuration.

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone v1.57.0
- os/version: darwin 12.1 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 21.2.0 (x86_64)
- os/type: darwin
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.17.2
- go/linking: dynamic
- go/tags: none

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)


The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = s3
access_key_id = AKIAJV3VAEW6OFKXWMLQ
secret_access_key = X

A log from the command with the -vv flag

2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.57.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "ls" "-vv" "mys3:s3backup20210924"]
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "mys3:s3backup20210924"
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting type="s3" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_TYPE
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting access_key_id="AKIAJV3VAEW6OFKXWMLQ" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_ACCESS_KEY_ID
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting secret_access_key="X" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting region="us-east-2" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_REGION
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting region="us-east-2" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_REGION
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting region="us-east-2" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_REGION
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting endpoint="s3.amazonaws.com" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_ENDPOINT
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting endpoint="s3.amazonaws.com" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_ENDPOINT
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting endpoint="s3.amazonaws.com" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_ENDPOINT
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting endpoint="s3.amazonaws.com" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_ENDPOINT
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting endpoint="s3.amazonaws.com" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_ENDPOINT
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting endpoint="s3.amazonaws.com" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_ENDPOINT
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting endpoint="s3.amazonaws.com" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_ENDPOINT
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : mys3: detected overridden config - adding "{lvIe0}" suffix to name
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Using config file from "/Users/jamshid/.rclone.conf"
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting access_key_id="AKIAJV3VAEW6OFKXWMLQ" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_ACCESS_KEY_ID
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting secret_access_key="X" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting region="us-east-2" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_REGION
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : Setting endpoint="s3.amazonaws.com" for "mys3" from environment variable RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_ENDPOINT
2022/01/11 12:29:30 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "mys3:s3backup20210924" to be canonical "mys3{lvIe0}:s3backup20210924"
2022/01/11 12:29:31 ERROR : S3 bucket s3backup20210924: Failed to update region for bucket: reading bucket location failed: AuthorizationHeaderMalformed: The authorization header is malformed; the region 'us-east-2' is wrong; expecting 'us-east-1'
	status code: 400, request id: QF9BJZ121F4SQZM5, host id: rePrb1hyXCEuQyhF8gaME+PaoZ7UjgjQHy6JoGiCspf3+rhYzkAZKwUnAkfObyISoy+IAF23FJ0=
2022/01/11 12:29:31 DEBUG : 4 go routines active
2022/01/11 12:29:31 Failed to ls: BucketRegionError: incorrect region, the bucket is not in 'us-east-2' region at endpoint 's3.amazonaws.com'
	status code: 301, request id: , host id: 

It works if I specify the endpoint as s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com but it seems the generic s3.amazonaws.com endpoint should work since that works when specified via the config file instead of env vars.

took a quick read of your post,

region and endpoint need to be self-consistent.

  • took a quick look at my config file
    --- aws s3 remotes, use region only
    --- with wasabi s3 clone, i use endpoint only.

  • your setup
    from the config file region=us-east-2
    from the env var, RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_ENDPOINT=s3.amazonaws.com
    and aws is complaining about that
    BucketRegionError: incorrect region, the bucket is not in 'us-east-2' region at endpoint 's3.amazonaws.com'

1 Like

Ah I see, sorry, I thought I was specifying both the region and generic endpoint in my .rclone.conf, but I was not. So never mind, there is no rclone inconsistency here -- using this .rclone.conf fails the same way as with the env var configuration.

Ok so the region is required when using AWS S3 (and not using the default us-east-1 region). The endpoint is optional, but if it is specified it must be the specific endpoint not the generic s3.amazonaws.com.

E.g. since my bucket is in us-east-2 both of these configs fail:

type = s3
access_key_id = AKIAJV3VAEW6OFKXWMLQ
secret_access_key = X
endpoint = https://s3.amazonaws.com

type = s3
access_key_id = AKIAJV3VAEW6OFKXWMLQ
secret_access_key = X
endpoint = https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
% rclone ls -vv tests3:s3backup20210924
2022/01/11 13:23:21 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.57.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "ls" "-vv" "tests3:s3backup20210924"]
2022/01/11 13:23:21 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "tests3:s3backup20210924"
2022/01/11 13:23:21 DEBUG : Using config file from "/Users/jamshid/.rclone.conf"

2022/01/11 13:23:21 ERROR : S3 bucket s3backup20210924: Failed to update region for bucket: reading bucket location failed: AuthorizationHeaderMalformed: The authorization header is malformed; the region 'us-east-2' is wrong; expecting 'us-east-1'
	status code: 400, request id: 5AD35230DMKWPE4H, host id: AkLrokiziv7NPxn3+NG+r10RhR0hZPWypkYqU7Vnopt5MHL6sNxKO0tBr+6+tHYMA6j3HB24G0o=
2022/01/11 13:23:21 DEBUG : 4 go routines active
2022/01/11 13:23:21 Failed to ls: BucketRegionError: incorrect region, the bucket is not in 'us-east-2' region at endpoint 'https://s3.amazonaws.com'
	status code: 301, request id: , host id: 

% rclone ls -vv tests3:s3backup20210924
2022/01/11 13:36:10 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.57.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "ls" "-vv" "tests3:s3backup20210924"]
2022/01/11 13:36:10 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "tests3:s3backup20210924"
2022/01/11 13:36:10 DEBUG : Using config file from "/Users/jamshid/.rclone.conf"
2022/01/11 13:36:10 DEBUG : 4 go routines active
2022/01/11 13:36:10 Failed to ls: AuthorizationHeaderMalformed: The authorization header is malformed; the region 'us-east-1' is wrong; expecting 'us-east-2'
	status code: 400, request id: X04GR477FF03DBV1, host id: 9X1rWPJzkod805OmZ5vUX0hM0b163nFTwmQNDV4jCXe7RQoZicLDzQqo/v7FFkY6zRV+4bSC4dY=

This works but specifying the endpoint is unnecessary:

type = s3
access_key_id = AKIAJV3VAEW6OFKXWMLQ
secret_access_key = X
endpoint = https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com

sure, that is ok.

the good news, this is not a rclone bug, yeah!

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