Replace google drive file stream with rclone mount on linux desktop

So I moved from Windows 7 to Zorin OS (based on ubuntu 18.04)

I'm trying to replace the google drive file stream with a rclone mount + mergerfs but I can't use KeepassXC as it won't open my database:

rclone[1765]: Personal/my.kdbx: WriteFileHandle: ReadAt: Can't read and write to file without --vfs-cache-mode >= minimal

rclone[1765]: Personal/my.kdbx: WriteFileHandle: Can't open for write without O_TRUNC on existing file without --vfs-cache-mode >= writes

But why this happens if I'm using mergerfs?

usr/bin/mergerfs \
  -o category.create=ff,async_read=false,cache.files=partial \
  -o dropcacheonclose=true,use_ino,minfreespace=0 \
  -o xattr=nosys,statfs_ignore=ro,allow_other,umask=002,noatime \
  /home/x/local=RW=NC:/home/x/Desktop/remote=NC /home/x/Desktop/unionfs

Can someone help me with a setup that can replace the windows g drive app. I want things like:

  • Renaming server side
  • Move files server side even across teamdrives like I could before
  • Work with all files to open and do usual operations, like notepad, password managers, etc

I don't mind if files are synced up later if needed. But most of the time I just use it for renaming, moving, and opening (reading) stuff.

This should be possible.
For mergerFS I have to ask @Animosity022 to chime in as he has the most expertise.

As for moving/copying files across teamdrives - that is possible
You do however have to enable it. Either use:
--drive-server-side-across-configs (as a command flag)
or insert
server_side_across_configs = true
in the rclone.confg file in (all) the relevant Gdrive blocks. It does not matter where in terms of the ordering. Just put it last among the existing settings for each config in question.

This is default rclone functionality.

If you enable the setting I mentioned above, this is possible in 99% of cases. (NCW says this is not guaranteed, but I have yet to see it fail to work)

If you use at least --vfs-cache-mode writes
then rclone should be able to do anything that the OS asks it to do and effectively simulate a normal harddrive. (lower cache modes has a more limited range of functionality).
This means uploads write to cache locally before uploading. A necessarily downside to allow for files to be opened in read/write mode and allow truncating of files. You may want to designate a --cache-dir "C:\cachefolder" to control where this temporary data is stored. (a HDD may be a good choice to avoid unnecessary SSD wear)

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