Recommended Mount Settings

which honestly scares me. i'm completely fine with waiting the week or week and a half it will take to scan my music library but i have no information as to whether or not this will get me a ban.

With no logs or information, it's super hard to guess what's going on. If you'd like to share some logs, I'd suggest making a new post rather than taking this one and if you have any questions, folks can help out to answer.

@dannymichel - You do not get banned ever for using rclone with Google Drive. Google has limits on daily downloads and uploads, which are their daily quotas. If you hit a quota limit for a day, it normally resets from a quota perspective every ~24 hours.

The quotas seem to be 10TB download and 750GB upload although exact numbers and reset times are not documented very well.

i called google(gsuite) and they said reset happens 3am(est) every night

think i got the quota limit like 10pm central... checked every few min till like 2am... and was nogo....
so i guess it could have rolled over at 3am... all i know is i was back in business when i checked it around noon.... such a relief... felt like i was locked out of my house : ) : (

i'd like to think rclone is gdrive api safe now.... i did do a full days scanning with the vfs sizes set... and it was marginally faster than plexdrive and using like 1/5th the bandwidth during scans/initial imports...

(hysterically days and days of plexdrive importing and maxing out the 120MiB a sec pipe to scan was fine.... rclones like 15-25MiB avg scanning/importing, quota banned me : ) : (

pretty sure it was just running it that last time and doing the scan with the defaults.... but i'm a little nervous to try again...

I think it's pretty important to make sure a consistent message goes out. rclone since mid 2018 has had 'chunked' reading for Google Drive so it works very well. At no point was rclone ever banned from Google Drive.

I'm not sure what you mean here but older versions we never banned either. Prior to mid 2018, it didn't have chunked reading so you would hit download quotas when using rclone.

well all i can say is trying to do a scan with the defaults got me api quota limited for the first time in like 3 years... took about an hour....

it could be the sheer size of my gdrive/the amount of files... (i'm definitely an outlier) or the fact that i was still in the midst of an initial import...and plex was importing/analyzing/scanning.... i dont know....

but it definitely happened.... and too much of a coincidence that it happened like an hour or two into mounting with the defaults....

I seriously doubt you downloaded 10TB to hit the download quota. If you want to share some logs, happy to help.

no it definitely wasn't the 10tb download limit... checking the hetzner robot... yesterday was around 2TB

(was interesting to check that... the days of plexdrive importing were like 5-6tb a day the day of rclone was like 2tb a day and rclone imported faster/more : )

had to be the api hit ban...

If you have a log to share, we can figure out the issue. If not, we're just guessing.

i didnt have any log settings in my mount command just the mount point rest defaults..
is there some level of logging it does by default if so where do i fond the log?

You can use log-level and log-file to generate logs and keep them for a particular file. I use:

--log-level INFO --log-file /opt/rclone/logs/rclone.log

Which keeps logs as a pretty high level and stores in the location noted by log file.

If I want to trouble shoot a problem, I can turn the INFO to DEBUG.

"-vv" and "--log-level DEBUG" do the same thing so you could do one or the other. I like using log-level as it's clearer for me.

but if i didn't have any of those setting in when i mounted the time in question.... there is no standard log or anything?

It defaults to log-level of NOTICE and depending on your OS, you'd have to see where it's logging.

If you are using a Linux based, I can probably give you an idea if you share what OS it is. If Windows, you are on your own :slight_smile:

i'm running ubuntu 18.04

How did you start it up?

bare... everything at defaults

rclone mount gdrive: /home/xxxxxxxxxx/plex2/.gdrive

grep rclone /var/log/messages most likely. It's going to be pretty sparse as that only prints NOTICE level messages.

alas nothing there rclone wise : (

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