RCX & SFTP (root) - All actions fail

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I've been asked to raise my issue here by @x0b.

All the history is in:

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

1.12.2 (from F-Droid)

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Android 10 (Stock), Moto G8 Plus
Android 10 (LineageOS), Samsung Galaxy Tab S2

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

  1. Open a remote (OpenSSH server running on Fedora 34)
  2. Select "root"
  3. Select "Download" on a file
  4. Download fails

  1. Open a remote (OpenSSH server running on Fedora 34)
  2. Select "root"
  3. Select "Rename" on a file
  4. Rename fails 

  1. Open a remote (OpenSSH server running on Fedora 34)
  2. Select "root"
  3. Select "Upload" on a folder
  4. Uploads states it has worked, but the file has not been uploaded

All other clients authenticating as the same user, including rclone in Termux on the same devices, work OK.

Also, if I choose "home" instead of "root", everything is OK.

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = sftp
host = {Host}
user = {User}
port = 22
pass = {Encrypted Password}
md5sum_command = md5sum
sha1sum_command = sha1sum

A log from the command with the -vv flag

Android/data/io.github.x0b.rcx/files/ is empty after enabling logging.

In the post on GitHub I asked you to try both root (sftp:/dir) and non-root (sftp:dir) in Termux and send in the log files. Can you please post them?

I can then use them to prepare a special debug version of RCX with more logging. Also, we then have a baseline for spotting errors.

If the log files contain non-public data, you can also send them directly to x0bdev@gmail.com.

Log files attached to issue on GitHub.

@tibbsbrookside Thanks for the log files, I've managed to reproduce the issue now.
This is definitely an issue in RCX and not in rclone.

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