Rclone with opendrive for plex

As the title says, I am trying to config opendrive to act as a local drive on my computer so that I can use it with plex. My nas just failed due to a power outage so I figured I would try this as a solution. I am running windows 10 and my download speed is around 900mb/s. So far I have downloaded rclone and added opendrive through rclone config. I then tried to do this command to mount the drive...
PS C:\program files> rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode full opendrive:/ g:
But received this error...
2020/06/22 12:50:04 Failed to create file system for "opendrive:/": failed to create session: Invalid username or password (Error 401)

At this point, I am a little overwhelmed and unsure where to go from here. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

hello and welcome to the forum,

you need to make sure the remote works.

Invalid username or password
it looks like you did not create the remote correctly

do a rclone config show opendrive: and make sure the username and password are correct.

Ok, thank you so much for replying.
I ran that command and received this...
PS C:\program files> rclone config show opendrive:

type = opendrive
username = mascok
password = *** ENCRYPTED ***

I also updated my password to make sure it was correct.

then you should run a basic command like
rclone lsd opendrive:

Ok, I did that and it gives me the same 401 error. I must have done something incorrectly. I am unsure of what though.

you need to make sure the username and password are correct.
that is the reason for the error.

i have an opendrive account.
using rclone config, i changed the username name to gibberish.
then i ran rclone lsd opendrive: and i got

rclone lsd opendrive:
2020/06/22 16:46:35 Failed to create file system for "opendrive:": failed to create session: Invalid username or password (Error 401)

Thank you so much. That solved the 401 error. I redid my original command and got this...

PS C:\program files> rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode full opendrive:/ g:
panic: cgofuse: cannot find winfsp

goroutine 37 [running]:
github..com/rclone/rclone/vendor/github.com/billziss-gh/cgofuse/fuse.(*FileSystemHost).Mount(0xc00007a400, 0xc00003c118, 0x2, 0xc000110280, 0x11, 0x14, 0x0)
github..com/rclone/rclone/vendor/github.com/billziss-gh/cgofuse/fuse/host.go:573 +0x66d
github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/cmount.mount.func1(0xc00007a400, 0xc00003c118, 0x2, 0xc000110280, 0x11, 0x14, 0x1d64ea0, 0xc000604780, 0xc00081c180)
github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/cmount/mount.go:168 +0x74
created by github..com/rclone/rclone/cmd/cmount.mount
github..com/rclone/rclone/cmd/cmount/mount.go:166 +0x3da

I assume I have to download the items from these links?


file you need to download and install

Oh man you are a life saver. That worked! Do you use opendrive with plex as well?

no, never used opendrive till a few minutes ago.

when you had a issue with opendrive,
i went to opendrive.com and created a free account and created the remote with rclone.

so i do not know how opendrive will do with plex.
but since you are using this flag, --vfs-cache-mode full, rclone will download the entire media file before you play it. so it does not matter if opendrive is good at on-the-fly streaming.

for what it is worth, i never use --vfs-cache-mode, i run my media mounts with --read-only

ah I see. Maybe I should do --vfs-cache-mode write instead?

sure, that looks good.

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