I'm trying to execute commands from rclone with Mega, like rclone lsd mega:, but always receiving Failed to create file system for "mega:": couldn't login: Try again
MegaCMD is installed and works. I can execute all the instructions in interactive mode;
Works in other Mega account (free account) and with only one file (without any folders);
I tried to use Mega with WebDAV but seems to always disconnect after ~1 min.
Works with Windows but need to wait a longe time (more than 5 minutes). With Debian, not working (I using AWS EC2)
About the account:
My account (as I'm trying to use Rclone) it's Pro II (8TB plan);
Have more than 500GB of storage used;
2FA temporary disabled;
Password temporary doesn't have any special characters, only alphanumeric (e-mail too);
Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.
I tried so many version, from v1.5.x until the beta.
Note that some have found issues with passwords containing special characters. If you can not log on with rclone, but MEGAcmd logs on just fine, then consider changing your password temporarily to pure alphanumeric characters, in case that helps.
Yes, I've already read the docs and my password/account doesn't have any special characters (as mentioned in the description). When I read this note the password was changed.
As a addition, I used the same password in the two accounts for test purposes — one works, and other not.
megacmd webdav is much better option (it is also much faster) so I would rather spend time investigating why it disconnects after 1min - you might have much better chance of fixing it with mega community help.
When the connection is unexpected killed "without any reason", the problem is related with the available resources, I was running on a EC2 t3.nano (2 vCPU and 0,5 GiB of RAM). After change instance type to increase available memory to 1GB I can list MEGA files.
Maybe add this note to the docs will save time for all.