Rclone w/ Nextcloud

How can I use Rclone to mount a WEBDAV nextcloud drive as a local drive

  1. create and test remote for webdav.
  2. create a rclone mount command.

Can you please provide the steps for doing this. I am very new to this. Thanks

I got to this part and got this error :

diamonddog@diamonddog-desktop:~$ rclone lsd r720xd
2023/10/30 09:14:52 NOTICE: "r720xd" refers to a local folder, use "r720xd:" to refer to your remote or "./r720xd" to hide this warning
2023/10/30 09:14:52 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found
2023/10/30 09:14:52 Failed to lsd with 2 errors: last error was: directory not found

use "r720xd:" to refer to your remote

and run all commands with -vv for debug output, ok?

iamonddog@diamonddog-desktop:~$ rclone lsd r720xd: -vv
2023/10/30 09:16:56 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.64.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "lsd" "r720xd:" "-vv"]
2023/10/30 09:16:56 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "r720xd:"
2023/10/30 09:16:56 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/diamonddog/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2023/10/30 09:16:56 DEBUG : found headers:
2023/10/30 09:16:56 Failed to create file system for "r720xd:": parse "MYIPADDRESS MASKED FOR SECURITY /": first path segment in URL cannot contain colon

I have a MYIPADDRESS:PORT# i need to put in there

you can search the forum, many examples about nextcloud.

I am not finding anything about this error. I do require it to point to a port so I have to put in for example but it's not letting me do that and getting that error now. Any ideas?

What is your rclone.config file content?

it would look something like

and from the rclone docs, the remote would look something like

type = webdav
url = https://example.com:22/remote.php/webdav/
vendor = nextcloud
user = user
pass = *** ENCRYPTED ***
bearer_token =

Where is the RCLONE.CONFIG located?

rclone config file

type = webdav
url = XX.76.XX.51:86
vendor = nextcloud
user = XXXXX
pass = XXXX

This is what mine looks like

that url does not look correct for nextcloud.
did you read the docs and the example i posted?

who is your provider, perhaps they are using a non-standard url, tho i have never seen any nextcloud provider doing that.

run rclone lsd r720xd: -vv and post the full output

The URL is an IP address. There is no domain name

diamonddog@diamonddog-desktop:~/.config/rclone$ rclone lsd r720xd: -vv
2023/10/30 10:11:20 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.64.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "lsd" "r720xd:" "-vv"]
2023/10/30 10:11:20 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "r720xd:"
2023/10/30 10:11:20 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/diamonddog/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2023/10/30 10:11:20 DEBUG : found headers:
2023/10/30 10:11:20 Failed to create file system for "r720xd:": parse "xx.76.xx.51:86/": first path segment in URL cannot contain colon

the ip is not the issue. the issue is the format.
not sure you are looking at the example in the docs and the example i posted?

are you not using https???

normally, would look like

Not using HTTPS just HTTP