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What is the problem you are having with rclone?
I have two workstations that are integrated to rclone.
From workstation1 I copy (using rcd api's) a file from local file system to AWS s3,
Once the file is copied/uploaded successfully, I receive a notification from s3 and from workstation 2 I copy the same file from AWS s3 to local file system.
When I perform the second action, rclone is throwing an error saying "corrupted on transfer: sizes differ".
I have set --local-no-check-updated=true already.
Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.
rclone v1.61.1
os/version: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2 (64 bit)
os/kernel: 10.0.19044.2846 (x86_64)
os/type: windows
os/arch: amd64
go/version: go1.19.4
go/linking: static
go/tags: cmount
Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)
The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)
Please run 'rclone config redacted' and share the full output. If you get command not found, please make sure to update rclone.
Paste config here
A log from the command that you were trying to run with the -vv flag
Thanks for the suggestion.
The issue doesn't seem to occur in the latest version.
Can you please point me to the github commit or feature request that was done between rclone version 1.61.1 and 1.66.0 to fix this issue ?
Even without --local-no-check-updated , it is working without issues.
Just wanted to know whether there was any specific fix done to address this issue, since it doesn't occur for all files, only for some specific file types.
@asdffdsa ,
No, I do not run into this issue anymore.
But was there a change/fix done to address this issue ? The answer to this will help us to make certain decisions to rclone integration
from what little info you have provided, i do not know what the exact issue is, so i cannot pinpoint the change/fix.
no commands were posted, no logs were posted, no errors were posted, no config was posted.
No config, since it is rcd
command to run rclone : >rclone rcd --log-level INFO --rc-user=user --rc-pass=pass --s3-upload-concurrency=8 --s3-chunk-size=16M --s3-upload-cutoff=1G --s3-no-check-bucket
Failing scenario:
From workstation1 I copy (using rcd api's) a file from local file system to AWS s3,
Once the file is copied/uploaded successfully, I receive a notification from s3 and from workstation 2 I copy the same file from AWS s3 to local file system.
When I perform the second action, rclone is throwing an error saying "corrupted on transfer: sizes differ".
Please help on this topic.
I just wanted to know about any change/feature request that was done post 1.61.1 version to the latest version to fix issues related to "file corrupt on transfer".
Already provided all the required info I have, please let me know if you need any more details that will help troubleshoot ?