Rclone syntax - synology to jottacloud

My prevois tread is closed:

I have installed rclone
I have runned:

rclone config - > successfully

Remote: remotejotta
device = Jotta
mountpoint = Archive
username = maestro

On NAS i have:


how do I make a rclone syntax?

This one works, it copies all shares at once

rclone copy /volume1/ NAS: --dry-run

but I need to copy each share one at a time
like rclone copy /volume1/surveilance "nas:surveilance"
like rclone copy /volume1/private "nas:private"

the to syntax "nas:surveilance" I dont understand.. How do I describe the paths?
The word NAS in my syntax, what is that? Is it device or mountpoint

I have tried:

rclone copy /volume1/surveilance NAS:surveilance --dry-run


2022/02/07 19:34:32 ERROR : Local file system at /volume1/surveilance: error reading source root directory: directory not found
2022/02/07 19:34:32 ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed with 1 errors and: directory not found
2022/02/07 19:34:32 ERROR : Local file system at /volume1/surveilance: error reading source root directory: directory not found
2022/02/07 19:34:32 ERROR : Attempt 2/3 failed with 1 errors and: directory not found
2022/02/07 19:34:32 ERROR : Local file system at /volume1/surveilance: error reading source root directory: directory not found
2022/02/07 19:34:32 ERROR : Attempt 3/3 failed with 1 errors and: directory not found
2022/02/07 19:34:32 NOTICE:
Transferred: 0 B / 0 B, -, 0 B/s, ETA -
Errors: 1 (retrying may help)
Elapsed time: 0.6s

2022/02/07 19:34:32 Failed to copy: directory not found



based on the source, i assume that you are using a synbox, a synology device?

make sure
--- rclone can see the source
rclone ls /volume1/surveilance
--- your username, that runs rclone, can access that dir/files
ls /volume1/surveilance

and always better to post the full debug log.

Hi @asdffdsa

I use synology NAS

ls /volume1/surveilance

is working

Path on jottacloud side + syntax is the question

rclone copy /volume1/surveilance xxxxxxxxxx

Any tip?

i also have access to several synbox.

change remote to whatever your jotta remote is named
rclone ls remote:
rclone mkdir remote:surveilance

Solution! backup Synology NAS to Jottacloud

Hi again, and thanks for clearing out my remote path question regarding Jottacloud.

My remote is named Lei (from running rclone config on SSH with putty)

Nas has a volume called "Volume1"
My nas has a share called "Music"


rclone copy /Volume1/Music Lei:/Music


if you search the forum, i have a number of other topic about synbox+rclone.
for example, to share a rclone mount over a lan/vpn/tailscale, using cloud sync, etc...


I have found the solution for running rcone from SSH (putty)

On my nas the story is different...

When I run the same command from DSM (synology)

rclone copy /volume1/Music/ Lei:Music

I get this error message:

2022/02/11 04:23:04 NOTICE: Config file
"/var/services/homes/USER/.config/rclone/rclone.conf" not found - using defaults
2022/02/11 04:23:04 Failed to create file system for
"Lei:Music": didn't find section in config file

USER is not admin, but my personal user

Now I have 2 issues:

  1. Where is my rclone.conf file?
  2. How do i run rclone to point at my rclone.conf file
    Is there a switch/command in rclone that


this is the list of rclone commands, take a few minites to read about them.

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