Rclone sync / copy data owned ny 'www-data'

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I moved a restic repo to a rest-server on ubuntu server 18.04
rest-server is running as systemd service as www-data:www-data.

Backups are working fine but rclone can't read data owned by www-data when check|copy|sync it errors out permission denied see the log bellow.

I am sorry if this is a restic issue but it looks a permission issue (maybe with rclone).
i which to run the systemd service as www-data and not my own user service.
Changing ownership temporary works

sudo chown myuser:myuser -R /mnt/volume0/rest-server

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.55.1
  • os/type: linux
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.16.3
  • go/linking: static
  • go/tags: none

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

Ubuntu 18.04 64 bit

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

local: lvm-volume
remote: any

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone sync -Pv /mnt/volume0/rest-server anyremote:

A log from the command with the -vv flag

2021-05-19 14:13:47 ERROR : data/0b/0b7cd214fb867038ff299afd060da86a114deff12005263d24c307b55d7901dc: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: open /mnt/volume0/rest-server/data/0b/0b7cd214fb867038ff299afd060da86a114deff12005263d24c307b55d7901dc: permission denied
2021-05-19 14:13:47 ERROR : data/0a/0a67517f768ad988bd419133413f332e183201aaea0415a6f50ca4f3bbf7dc56: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: open /mnt/volume0/rest-server/data/0a/0a67517f768ad988bd419133413f332e183201aaea0415a6f50ca4f3bbf7dc56: permission denied
2021-05-19 14:13:47 ERROR : data/0a/0a0643536d2a980b5459da588b259b4931e60e533a6272a40d8850b354052d31: Failed to copy: failed to open source object: open /mnt/volume0/rest-server/data/0a/0a0643536d2a980b5459da588b259b4931e60e533a6272a40d8850b354052d31: permission denied

Fuse file systems only allow the user running the process to see it.

To get around that, you have to use --allow-other on your mount.

You either need run rclone as www-data or give the user you are running as permission to read those files. One possibility would be to add your user to the www-data group.

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