2020/09/15 14:07:39 DEBUG : Using config file from "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\.config\\rclone\\rclone.conf"
2020/09/15 14:07:39 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "D:" to be canonical "//?/D:/"
2020/09/15 14:07:40 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "gdrive:/latest-copy" to be canonical "gdrive:latest-copy"
2020/09/15 14:07:40 ERROR : System Volume Information: failed to open directory "System Volume Information": open \\?\D:\System Volume Information: Access is denied.
2020/09/15 14:07:41 DEBUG : Google drive root 'latest-copy': Waiting for checks to finish
2020/09/15 14:07:41 DEBUG : Google drive root 'latest-copy': Waiting for transfers to finish
Transferred: 147.403M / 501.497 GBytes, 0%, 2.498 MBytes/s, ETA 2d9h5m47s
I am uploading 2 files, both over 100gb. The other 300gb are small. The files being uploaded when I copied this from the log are the 2 big ones.
How much memory on your server?
Can you remove the transfers/checkers and such as they don't add much value other than getting too many API hits per second.
Can you post a full log of the transfer as there's only a small snippet with no detail on the transfer times or anything else.