Rclone settier fails with scaleway: EntityTooLarge

I've set up a scaleway glacier backend which is working well with one exception: settier

# rclone -v --progress settier STANDARD scaleway:guybrush-scripts/0pdj43lcacui7p71d2cr7uumec 
2020-06-24 01:18:31 ERROR : S3 bucket guybrush-scripts: Failed to do SetTier, EntityTooLarge: Your proposed upload exceeds the maximum allowed object size.

I get the same error with move/copy, presumably because glacier backends do not support server-side copy. Why I should get EntityTooLarge for settier is more of a mystery though. I can't see anything about about maximum object size in the scaleway console.

Has anybody seen this before?

Changing an object's storage class in the scaleway console works fine.

To change the tier of an object you have to alter the metadata.

The only way of doing this on S3 is to copy the object to a new object then delete the old one - so it is doing a copy.

So the question is why doesn't server side copy or move work?

What version of rclone are you using? With a recent rclone 1.52 this should just work I think.

rclone 1.52.1

As far as I was aware, server side copy doesn't work with objects with storage class GLACIER. Well, they don't with Scaleway anyway. Guess I'll have to find some other workaround.

Scaleway have some examples of how to do it with the API/aws tool but I can't post the link to this forum. I was hoping rclone could do it for me.

You can't server side copy them that is true, but if they aren't GLACIER you should be able to server side copy them to GLACIER I think.

That would be interesting to see. I upgraded your account so you can post links :slight_smile:

Here's the corresponding man page from AWS:

Interesting thanks.

Rclone doesn't yet support the Restore Object API. THere is a place it could go though in a backend command so maybe it should?

What I think should work is if you have an object of normal Tier - rclone should be able to set it to GLACIER for you I think.

yes, this seems to work going from STANDARD to GLACIER

AFAICT the modification time is also in metadata. Can rclone read this on GLACIER objects, or is it syncing on size only? The Scaleway console won't let me read metadata on GLACIER objects, but it shows up for NORMAL objects.

Great. Do you think settier should know what to do for GLACIER -> NORMAL? I guess that would be most consistent with the rest of rclone?

Though it is quite a specialised call I think so maybe it should be a different command - what do you think?

Here is the API call in the Go SDK

I think we can ignore the select stuff, the restoring the archive is the stuff we need.

Looks quite complicated!

Well, my instinct was "settier NORMAL".

rclone is like a compatibility layer for object stores, so I wouldn't be too fussed about adding some magic to settier. You could always do both, but then you have the problem that a "restore" command might make no sense to some/most backends. It's also asymmetric.. you have "restore" but no "freeze"...

s3cmd implementation (python):

I could make a backend specific command quite easily.

Do you think people will want to restore one object or many? I guess I could to restore this key or and sub keys quite easily.

My use case is restoring backups, which would be single object, directory, or whole bucket. Single objects can already be done with most web interfaces, so it's the directory/recursive/bucket case that needs tooling.

I had a go at this here

https://beta.rclone.org/branch/v1.52.1-111-g58902710-fix-s3-restore-beta/ (uploaded in 15-30 mins)

You use it like this (use rclone backend help s3 to see this help)

I've tested it as far as I think it calls the right API calls, but I haven't restored anything.

Would you be willing to test it some more for me?

Any comments much appreciated!


Restore objects from GLACIER to normal storage

rclone backend restore remote: [options] [<arguments>+]

This command can be used to restore one or more objects from GLACIER
to normal storage.

Usage Examples:

rclone backend restore s3:bucket/path/to/object [-o priority=PRIORITY] [-o lifetime=DAYS]
rclone backend restore s3:bucket/path/to/directory [-o priority=PRIORITY] [-o lifetime=DAYS]
rclone backend restore s3:bucket [-o priority=PRIORITY] [-o lifetime=DAYS]

This flag also obeys the filters. Test first with -i/--interactive or --dry-run flags

rclone -i backend restore --include "*.txt" s3:bucket/path -o priority=Standard

All the objects shown will be marked for restore, then

rclone backend restore --include "*.txt" s3:bucket/path -o priority=Standard

It returns a list of status dictionaries with Remote and Status
keys. The Status will be OK if it was successfull or an error message
if not.

        "Status": "OK",
        "Path": "test.txt"
        "Status": "OK",
        "Path": "test/file4.txt"


  • "description": The optional description for the job.
  • "lifetime": Lifetime of the active copy in days
  • "priority": Priority of restore: Standard|Expedited|Bulk

I'm getting timeouts with this, though I suspect it is a problem with Scaleway. Same thing happened using s3cmd. I've submitted a ticket to Scaleway. Will keep you posted.

Thank you - looking forward to seeing how it turns out!

I tried using a bucket in Scaleway's nl-ams region instead of fr-par, and it worked fine. Scaleway seem to have a few issues with their service. Unfortunately I can't give it a more thorough test until they fix their fr-par endpoint.

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I've decided to merge this into the the latest beta now given that it has had light testing! If any problems come up, please let me know and I'll fix them before the release.

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