Rclone remote job/list job/status

I'm not sure about the intended behavior in job/list job/status, should they only return information on the most recent job, or also past jobs?

My version:
rclone v1.47.0

  • os/arch: linux/amd64
  • go version: go1.12.4

Will only provide the most recent job (prior jobs return as "no job found").

Also, while I'm at it, would love to have the ability to provide a user-defined parameter of my own choosing to jobs which could be used to pull job/status vrs providing the ID, or minmally come back as part of a job/status jobid=xx query for cross referencing purposes (vrs having to remember the job id's)

job/list and job/status will show and query jobs which haven't expired yet. Jobs expire 60s after they have completed.

That is a nice idea... So as well as _async=true perhaps _ref=whatever. This could come back in the output of job/status as an extra ref field.

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