Rclone remote control API errors count log errors

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

This problem as topic :

When a job is finished I wish to know how many errors occurred during that job.
I'm using the core/stats with group= filter to retrieve the information of the job.

The error counter for that particular job isn't working after I call API stats-reset. Field "errors" not counting file transferred error.

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone version => rclone v1.65.2

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

S3 AWS , S3 Google Drive, S3 Ceph

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone rcd --rc-addr :8443 --rc-web-gui --rc-user admin --rc-pass admin_pass --rc-job-expire-duration 86400s --rc-job-expire-interval 30s --fast-list --use-json-log --log-level INFO
# API call to get global stats before start job
rclone rc --rc-addr=http://admin:admin_pass@localhost:8443 core/stats
	"bytes": 0,
	"checks": 0,
	"deletedDirs": 0,
	"deletes": 0,
	"elapsedTime": 3.172069605,
	"errors": 0,
	"eta": null,
	"fatalError": false,
	"renames": 0,
	"retryError": false,
	"serverSideCopies": 0,
	"serverSideCopyBytes": 0,
	"serverSideMoveBytes": 0,
	"serverSideMoves": 0,
	"speed": 0,
	"totalBytes": 0,
	"totalChecks": 0,
	"totalTransfers": 0,
	"transferTime": 0,
	"transfers": 0
# API call to get global stats when job finished
rclone rc --rc-addr=http://admin:admin_pass@localhost:8443 core/stats
	"bytes": 55142597,
	"checks": 0,
	"deletedDirs": 0,
	"deletes": 0,
	"elapsedTime": 143.710940905,
	"errors": 16,
	"eta": 0,
	"fatalError": false,
	"lastError": "failed to open source object: AccessDenied: Access Denied\n\tstatus code: 403, request id: 6P8GK8769A6Z7HTG, host id: pbDzgHn4B6QuKOirUDCprmGLN4CbM54gik+JgxzB48JsI6IJ5n9AslVUOD29RRGiYSmcDDzGzak=",
	"renames": 0,
	"retryError": true,
	"serverSideCopies": 0,
	"serverSideCopyBytes": 0,
	"serverSideMoveBytes": 0,
	"serverSideMoves": 0,
	"speed": 1396198.5566329942,
	"totalBytes": 55142597,
	"totalChecks": 0,
	"totalTransfers": 4,
	"transferTime": 4.031823169,
	"transfers": 4
# API call to get stats for that particular job
rclone rc --rc-addr=http://admin:admin_pass@localhost:8443 core/stats group=job/2
	"bytes": 55142597,
	"checks": 0,
	"deletedDirs": 0,
	"deletes": 0,
	"elapsedTime": 63.61259278,
	"errors": 0,
	"eta": 0,
	"fatalError": false,
	"renames": 0,
	"retryError": false,
	"serverSideCopies": 0,
	"serverSideCopyBytes": 0,
	"serverSideMoveBytes": 0,
	"serverSideMoves": 0,
	"speed": 165958.42550326593,
	"totalBytes": 55142597,
	"totalChecks": 0,
	"totalTransfers": 4,
	"transferTime": 4.031823169,
	"transfers": 4

If I try to call API stats-reset then rcd not count the file error for 2nd start job.

# API call to reset stats
rclone rc --rc-addr=http://admin:admin_pass@localhost:8443 core/stats-reset
	"bytes": 0,
	"checks": 0,
	"deletedDirs": 0,
	"deletes": 0,
	"elapsedTime": 0.000022537,
	"errors": 0,
	"eta": null,
	"fatalError": false,
	"renames": 0,
	"retryError": false,
	"serverSideCopies": 0,
	"serverSideCopyBytes": 0,
	"serverSideMoveBytes": 0,
	"serverSideMoves": 0,
	"speed": 0,
	"totalBytes": 0,
	"totalChecks": 0,
	"totalTransfers": 0,
	"transferTime": 0,
	"transfers": 0

# API call to run new job and get stats
rclone rc --rc-addr=http://admin:admin_pass@localhost:8443 sync/copy srcFs=source:storage-sync03 dstFs=dest:storage-sync03
	"bytes": 55142597,
	"checks": 0,
	"deletedDirs": 0,
	"deletes": 0,
	"elapsedTime": 66.000174446,
	"errors": 0,
	"eta": 0,
	"fatalError": false,
	"renames": 0,
	"retryError": false,
	"serverSideCopies": 0,
	"serverSideCopyBytes": 0,
	"serverSideMoveBytes": 0,
	"serverSideMoves": 0,
	"speed": 6125947.196883046,
	"totalBytes": 55142597,
	"totalChecks": 0,
	"totalTransfers": 4,
	"transferTime": 5.460160359,
	"transfers": 4

rclone rc --rc-addr=http://admin:admin_pass@localhost:8443 job/status jobid=8
	"duration": 5.752427275,
	"endTime": "2024-03-04T15:24:00.411826724+07:00",
	"error": "failed to open source object: AccessDenied: Access Denied\n\tstatus code: 403, request id: 7N4TSD3M1AXCA7VP, host id: 4zPSBp/tWdnd3dydqR/SxskP2NPuq2h25u0QiYoIiWkczy9QRg1ETc70l7t057RhQQGg0fIGsEE=",
	"finished": true,
	"group": "job/8",
	"id": 8,
	"output": {},
	"startTime": "2024-03-04T15:23:54.65939935+07:00",
	"success": false

A log from the command with the -vv flag

Nothing special there

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