cannot access website?
yes. down for me too. the forums seem really quiet too. like a ghost town
hmm, when did you join the forum
today. first timer. is it normally this quiet?
what a coincidence....
how come. Did anyone else join today?
yeah, i knew you joined today.
i was trying to be witty, but that is hard to do in a forum.... is down for me but .org works
AH LOL. yep that didnt work well.
.org doesnt work for us, havnt tried .com yet
did not know there was a .com
you can access the .org?
just my luck that the day i join with a reported bug... is the day rclone dies lol. the season finally of 2020.
Weird thing, the docs are still up but is down, I expended all day writing an ansible playbook to restore content on my server and now I can't test it
no worries, here comes @ncw to the rescue.
Yes is down. The VPS host it is on has gone down - hopefully it will be back soon. Apologies for the inconvenience!
Cannot download Rclone via curl | sudo bash
. No route to host.
Note that GitHub has a mirror of the downloads if you are desperate:
the website is up again!
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