Rclone move from one local drive to another

i’m attempting to move files from drive A to drive B (copy from source to destination, then delete source copy) but i always get an error. this is the command given.

rclone move D:\source G:\destination

which results in an output like

ERROR : file: Couldn't move: rename \\?\D:\source\file \\?\G:\destination\file: The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive.
ERROR : Attempt 1/3 failed with 1 errors and: rename \\?\D:\source\file \\?\G:\destination\file: The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive.

the operation works fine when moving from one folder to another on the same partition, but not when moving from one partition to another. my gut instinct is that it is attempting to only try the server side copy, and abandoning after it fails.is. is there anything to do to fix this issue

It is doing a server side move, but yes you are correct.

Try adding --disable 'DirMove,Move' - that should then cause it not do to server side moves.

You might need the latest beta for that I don’t think it is in 1.37

Ideally it would do this automatically whch is possible, but requires working out what the error message would be on all the platforms rclone supports.