Rclone mounting empty drive

Any idea why my drive is mounting empty?

ExecStart=/usr/bin/rclone mount gcrypt: /mnt/gdrive --config=/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf --allow-other --gid=1000 --uid=1000 --bind xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx --dir-cache-time 72h --fast-list --cache-chunk-path=/home/rclone/rclone-cache --cache-db-path=/home/rclone/rclone-cache --syslog --umask 002 --log-level INFO
ExecStop=/bin/fusermount -uz /mnt/gdrive
ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 10


Rclone config
type = cache
remote = gsuite:
plex_url = http://localhost:32400
plex_username = xxx
plex_password = xxx
chunk_size = 16M
plex_token = xxx
db_path = /home/user/rclone-cache
chunk_path = /home/user/rclone-cache
info_age = 2d
chunk_total_size = 20G
db_purge = true

type = drive
client_id = xxx
client_secret = xxx
scope = drive
token = {"xxx"}
use_trash = false
chunk_size = 16M

type = crypt
remote = gcache:
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = xxx
password2 = xxx

➜ ~ rclone lsd gsuite:
-1 2019-06-11 02:48:59 -1 apps
-1 2019-02-15 02:32:49 -1 books
-1 2019-06-11 05:29:09 -1 documents
-1 2019-06-11 05:28:46 -1 fonts
-1 2019-06-12 04:07:02 -1 misc
-1 2019-06-11 05:28:19 -1 music
-1 2019-06-11 05:40:09 -1 pictures
-1 2019-06-11 05:39:48 -1 print
-1 2019-06-11 05:44:48 -1 projects
-1 2019-06-11 05:28:32 -1 recordings
-1 2019-06-11 05:45:41 -1 videos
-1 2019-06-11 05:47:49 -1 web
➜ ~ rclone lsd gcache:
-1 2019-06-11 02:48:59 -1 apps
-1 2019-02-15 02:32:49 -1 books
-1 2019-06-11 05:29:09 -1 documents
-1 2019-06-11 05:28:46 -1 fonts
-1 2019-06-12 04:07:02 -1 misc
-1 2019-06-11 05:28:19 -1 music
-1 2019-06-11 05:40:09 -1 pictures
-1 2019-06-11 05:39:48 -1 print
-1 2019-06-11 05:44:48 -1 projects
-1 2019-06-11 05:28:32 -1 recordings
-1 2019-06-11 05:45:41 -1 videos
-1 2019-06-11 05:47:49 -1 web
➜ ~ rclone lsd gcrypt:
➜ ~

Your crypt points to your base GD so it isn't encrypted so when you try to list it, it has nothing there since it's all not encrypted.

How should i change it?

i changed it to
type = cache
remote = gsuite:media

type = crypt
remote = gcache:

2019/06/19 05:34:11 ERROR : /root/rclone-cache/gcache.db: Error opening storage cache. Is there another rclone running on the same remote? failed to open a cache connection to "/root/rclone-cache/gcache.db": timeout

2019/06/19 05:34:12 ERROR : /root/rclone-cache/gcache.db: Error opening storage cache. Is there another rclone running on the same remote? failed to open a cache connection to "/root/rclone-cache/gcache.db": timeout

2019/06/19 05:34:12 Failed to create file system for "gcrypt:": failed to make remote gcache:"" to wrap: failed to start cache db: failed to open a cache connection to "/root/rclone-cache/gcache.db": timeout

You need to make a folder in your GD and point that to your encrypted config and you have to upload content to it. Just making an encrypted config doesn't change make your GD encrypted.

So in your GD, make a folder called "secure" and point the remote to GD:secure and you upload to that.

Read through:


drive:media is where my files live. drive:secure is an empty folder i created

rclone config

type = cache
remote = drive:media
plex_url = http://localhost:32400
plex_username = xxx
plex_password = xxx
chunk_size = 16M
plex_token = xxx
db_path = /root/rclone-cache
chunk_path = /root/rclone-cache
info_age = 2d
chunk_total_size = 20G
db_purge = true

type = drive
client_id = xxx
client_secret = xxx
scope = drive
token = {"xxx"}
use_trash = false
chunk_size = 16M

type = crypt
remote = gcache:secure
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = xxx
password2 = xxx



ExecStart=/usr/bin/rclone mount gcrypt: /mnt/drive --config=/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf --allow-other --gid=1000 --uid=1000 --bind xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx --dir-cache-time 72h --fast-list --cache-chunk-path=/root/rclone-cache --cache-db-path=/root/rclone-cache --syslog --umask 002 --log-level INFO
ExecStop=/bin/fusermount -uz /mnt/drive
ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 10


2019/06/19 12:08:08 ERROR : /root/rclone-cache/gcache.db: Error opening storage cache. Is there another rclone running on the same remote? failed to open a cache connection to "/root/rclone-cache/gcache.db": timeout

2019/06/19 12:08:09 ERROR : /root/rclone-cache/gcache.db: Error opening storage cache. Is there another rclone running on the same remote? failed to open a cache connection to "/root/rclone-cache/gcache.db": timeout

2019/06/19 12:08:09 Failed to create file system for "gcrypt:": failed to make remote gcache:"secure" to wrap: failed to start cache db: failed to open a cache connection to "/root/rclone-cache/gcache.db": timeout

You can only run one cache remote running at a time. You'd have to stop the other process you have running and restart it.

i did ps -ef | grep rclone and nothing is running

ok i found it and killed it but now i'm getting
2019/06/19 12:45:16 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found

2019/06/19 12:45:16 Failed to lsd with 2 errors: last error was: directory not found

this is what the log file says
2019/06/19 13:05:30 INFO : gcache: Cache DB path: /root/rclone-cache/gcache.db

2019/06/19 13:05:30 INFO : gcache: Cache chunk path: /root/rclone-cache/gcache

2019/06/19 13:05:30 INFO : gcache: Chunk Memory: true

2019/06/19 13:05:30 INFO : gcache: Chunk Size: 16M

2019/06/19 13:05:30 INFO : gcache: Chunk Total Size: 20G

2019/06/19 13:05:30 INFO : gcache: Chunk Clean Interval: 1m0s

2019/06/19 13:05:30 INFO : gcache: Workers: 4

2019/06/19 13:05:30 INFO : gcache: File Age: 2d

2019/06/19 13:05:31 INFO : gcache: Cache DB path: /root/rclone-cache/gcache.db

2019/06/19 13:05:31 INFO : gcache: Cache chunk path: /root/rclone-cache/gcache

2019/06/19 13:05:31 INFO : gcache: Chunk Memory: true

2019/06/19 13:05:31 INFO : gcache: Chunk Size: 16M

2019/06/19 13:05:31 INFO : gcache: Chunk Total Size: 20G

2019/06/19 13:05:31 INFO : gcache: Chunk Clean Interval: 1m0s

2019/06/19 13:05:31 INFO : gcache: Workers: 4

2019/06/19 13:05:31 INFO : gcache: File Age: 2d

**➜** **~** rclone lsd gcrypt:

2019/06/19 13:06:12 ERROR : : error listing: directory not found

2019/06/19 13:06:12 Failed to lsd with 2 errors: last error was: directory not found

**➜** **~**

I am pretty confused with what your current config is as I can't follow.

In your Google Drive, if you want to use encryption, you need a folder that you plan to use for it.

I use the name GD as my root Google Drive and a folder called media.

[felix@gemini ~]$ rclone lsd GD:
          -1 2017-06-09 09:59:43        -1 media

I point my encrypted config to GD:media and that remote is called gcrypt:

So if I list the GD directly, i can see encrypted stuff:

[felix@gemini ~]$ rclone lsd GD:media
          -1 2017-04-18 16:14:26        -1 smu5ej34ujbdoip1cm3mlk92q4
          -1 2018-06-17 10:24:02        -1 tnvepu36qiohcun8v84ddhsam0

and if I list the encrypted remote, I see:

[felix@gemini ~]$ rclone lsd gcrypt:
          -1 2018-06-17 10:24:02        -1 Movies
          -1 2017-04-18 16:14:26        -1 TV

So essentially with the same config you have sort of this is my output...

➜  ~ rclone lsd drive: 
          -1 2019-06-11 02:48:59        -1 apps
          -1 2019-02-15 02:32:49        -1 books
          -1 2019-06-11 05:29:09        -1 documents
          -1 2019-06-11 05:28:46        -1 fonts
          -1 2019-06-19 05:28:57        -1 media
          -1 2019-06-12 04:07:02        -1 misc
          -1 2019-06-11 05:40:09        -1 pictures
          -1 2019-06-11 05:39:48        -1 print
          -1 2019-06-11 05:44:48        -1 projects
          -1 2019-06-11 05:28:32        -1 recordings
          -1 2019-06-19 11:34:04        -1 secure
          -1 2019-06-11 05:45:41        -1 videos
          -1 2019-06-11 05:47:49        -1 web
➜  ~ rclone lsd drive:media
          -1 2019-06-11 05:45:42        -1 movies
          -1 2019-06-11 05:28:19        -1 music
          -1 2019-06-19 12:10:50        -1 tv
➜  ~ rclone lsd gcrypt:    
➜  ~

type = cache
remote = drive:

type = crypt
remote = gcache:media

You'd have to upload something to your media folder for it to show up.

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