Rclone Mount unable to mount more than one cloud storage

I am trying to move files through multiple cloud storage using google colab and whenever i try to mount the first cloud storage, the cell freeze and i am unable to mount the second one. Below is my mount code.

#@markdown <center><h3>Rclone MOUNT / UNMOUNT</h3>Mount the remote as file system on a mountpoint.</center>

import os

from IPython.display import HTML, clear_output

import uuid

import ipywidgets as widgets

from google.colab import output

import re


class MakeButton(object):

  def __init__(self, title, callback, style):

    self._title = title

    self._callback = callback

    self._style = style

  def _repr_html_(self):

    callback_id = 'button-' + str(uuid.uuid4())

    output.register_callback(callback_id, self._callback)

    if self._style != "":

      style_html = "p-Widget jupyter-widgets jupyter-button widget-button mod-" + self._style


      style_html = "p-Widget jupyter-widgets jupyter-button widget-button"

    template = """<button class="{style_html}" id="{callback_id}">{title}</button>


          document.querySelector("#{callback_id}").onclick = (e) => {{

            google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('{callback_id}', [], {{}})




    html = template.format(title=self._title, callback_id=callback_id, style_html=style_html)

    return html


def ShowAC():






                  '''<h3 style="font-family:Trebuchet MS;color:#4f8bd6;margin-top:0px;">

                  Rclone available config...</h3>









  display(HTML("<br>"), MakeButton("Mount", MountCMD, "primary"),

          MakeButton("Unmount", unmountCMD, "danger"))

content = open("/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf").read()

avCon = re.findall(r"^\[(.+)\]$", content, re.M)

mountNam = widgets.Dropdown(options=avCon)


def MountCMD():

    mPoint = f"/content/drives/{mountNam.value}"

    os.makedirs(mPoint, exist_ok=True)

    !rclone mount $mountNam.value: SmPoint --user-agent 'Mozilla' --buffer-size 256M --transfers 10 --vfs-cache-mode minimal --vfs-read-chunk-size 500M --vfs-cache-max-size 50G --vfs-cache-max-age 0h0m1s --vfs-cache-poll-interval 0m1s --cache-dir '/content/temp/rCloneTemp' --allow-other --daemon 

    if os.path.isdir(mPoint)== True:

      print(f"Mount success! - \t{mPoint}")


      print(f"Mount failed! - \t{mPoint}")

def unmountCMD():

  mPoint = f"/content/drives/{mountNam.value}"

  if os.system(f"fusermount -uz {mPoint}") == 0:

    runSh(f"rm -r {mPoint}")

    print(f"Unmounted success! - \t{mPoint}")


    runSh(f"fusermount -uz {mPoint}", output=True)


My Rclone config below

type = drive
scope = drive
token = {"**************************************************"}
team_drive =

type = drive
scope = drive
token = {"**************************************************"}
team_drive = *****************************
root_folder_id =

type = drive
scope = drive
token = {"***************************************************"}
team_drive =


  • for debug purposes, best to run the rclone mount command on the command line, not inside some script.
  • need to add a debug log to your rclone command and look for errors in that.
  • as per the documentation
    You should not run two copies of rclone using the same VFS cache with the same or overlapping remotes

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