"rclone mount" running as Windows SYSTEM user: Cannot modify/overwrite existing file from local command line or remote client, even though creating a new file works

Giving this topic a bump, as it is still unresolved:

  • TLDR: Even with the newer version 1.61.1 of rclone, a normal (or even elevated) user cannot change files on an rclone-mounted drive, when the "rclone mount" command is running under the SYSTEM user in Windows 11. (SYSTEM user is necessary to share the mounted drive via network share.)

  • The "-allow-other" (and/or "-allow-root") parameter that appear to address this issue in other OSes are not supported on Windows according to the docs.

At this point I am wondering, if this is either a bug (i.e. it is supposed to work in Windows, even without the "-allow-user" parameter) or a limitation of Windows. it would be great to get some further insight into this. I'm also happy to create an issue on github, if it helps.