STOP and READ USE THIS TEMPLATE NO EXCEPTIONS - By not using this, you waste your time, our time and really hate puppies. Please remove these two lines and that will confirm you have read them.
### What is the problem you are having with rclone?
I'm attempting to mount a remote S3 storage using rclone. While the mount command executes without errors, only two parent folders (data
and io
) are visible in the mount point. The expected subdirectories and files are not displayed. However, using rclone ls
confirms that the files exist on the remote. Additionally, attempts to copy files from the remote to the local system result in errors.
#### Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.
I have tested with the following rclone versions:
- v1.67.0
- v1.68.0
- v1.69.0
#### Which cloud storage system are you using? (e.g., Google Drive)
I'm using an S3-compatible storage service provided by Quotaless.
#### The command you were trying to run (e.g., 'rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp')
I executed the following mount command:
rclone mount quotaless: /home/butts136/Mount/quotaless \
--vfs-cache-mode full \
--cache-dir /home/butts136/.cache/rclone \
--stats 1s \
--stats-log-level NOTICE \
--log-level INFO
#### Please run 'rclone config show quotaless' and share the full output.
Here is the configuration for the 'quotaless' remote:
type = s3
provider = Minio
env_auth = false
secret_access_key = gatewaysecret
endpoint =
acl = bucket-owner-full-control
list_chunk = 10000000
upload_cutoff = 100M
chunk_size = 50M
encoding = Slash,InvalidUtf8,Dot,Percent,Ctl
use_multipart_uploads = true
no_head = false
#### A log from the command that you were trying to run with the '-vv' flag
When attempting to copy a file from the remote to the local system using the following command:
rclone copy "quotaless:data/personal-files/Films et séries/Séries/Séries #1/The walking dead (2010)/S01/The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv" . --log-file=rclone.log --log-level=DEBUG
The operation fails, and the rclone.log
contains multiple errors indicating issues with sending requests and context cancellations. For instance:
2025/01/30 22:08:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 3/26 failed: multi-thread copy: failed to open source: RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Get "": EOF
2025/01/30 22:08:36 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.67.0" starting with parameters ["rclone" "copy" "quotaless:data/personal-files/Films et séries/Séries/Séries #1/The walking dead (2010)/S01/The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv" "." "--log-file=rclone.log" "--log-level=DEBUG"]
2025/01/30 22:08:36 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "quotaless:data/personal-files/Films et séries/Séries/Séries #1/The walking dead (2010)/S01/The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv"
2025/01/30 22:08:36 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/butts136/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
2025/01/30 22:08:36 DEBUG : Resolving service "s3" region "us-east-1"
2025/01/30 22:08:37 DEBUG : fs cache: adding new entry for parent of "quotaless:data/personal-files/Films et séries/Séries/Séries #1/The walking dead (2010)/S01/The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv", "quotaless:data/personal-files/Films et séries/Séries/Séries #1/The walking dead (2010)/S01"
2025/01/30 22:08:37 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "."
2025/01/30 22:08:37 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "." to be canonical "/home/butts136"
2025/01/30 22:08:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: Need to transfer - File not found at Destination
2025/01/30 22:08:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: disabling buffering because destination uses OpenWriterAt
2025/01/30 22:08:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: write buffer set to 131072
2025/01/30 22:08:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: using backend concurrency of 4 instead of --multi-thread-streams 4
2025/01/30 22:08:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: Starting multi-thread copy with 26 chunks of size 64Mi with 4 parallel streams
2025/01/30 22:08:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 4/26 (201326592-268435456) size 64Mi starting
2025/01/30 22:08:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 1/26 (0-67108864) size 64Mi starting
2025/01/30 22:08:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 2/26 (67108864-134217728) size 64Mi starting
2025/01/30 22:08:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 3/26 (134217728-201326592) size 64Mi starting
2025/01/30 22:09:25 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 1/2 (error RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Get "": EOF)
2025/01/30 22:09:25 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 10ms
2025/01/30 22:09:25 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 2/2 (error RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Get "": EOF)
2025/01/30 22:09:25 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 20ms
2025/01/30 22:09:25 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 3/26 failed: multi-thread copy: failed to open source: RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Get "": EOF
2025/01/30 22:09:25 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 5/26 (268435456-335544320) size 64Mi starting
2025/01/30 22:09:25 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 15ms
2025/01/30 22:09:25 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 5/26 failed: multi-thread copy: failed to open source: RequestCanceled: request context canceled
caused by: context canceled
2025/01/30 22:09:29 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 11.25ms
2025/01/30 22:09:29 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 4/26 failed: multi-thread copy: failed to open source: RequestCanceled: request context canceled
caused by: context canceled
2025/01/30 22:09:31 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 0s
2025/01/30 22:09:31 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 2/26 failed: multi-thread copy: failed to open source: RequestCanceled: request context canceled
caused by: context canceled
2025/01/30 22:09:37 INFO :
Transferred: 0 B / 1.606 GiB, 0%, 0 B/s, ETA -
Transferred: 0 / 1, 0%
Elapsed time: 1m0.8s
* The Walking Dead S01E0…5 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: 0% /1.606Gi, 0/s, -
2025/01/30 22:09:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 1/26 failed: multi-thread copy: failed to open source: RequestCanceled: request context canceled
caused by: context canceled
2025/01/30 22:09:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: cancelling transfer on exit
2025/01/30 22:09:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: Received error: multi-thread copy: failed to open source: RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Get "": EOF - low level retry 0/10
2025/01/30 22:09:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: disabling buffering because destination uses OpenWriterAt
2025/01/30 22:09:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: write buffer set to 131072
2025/01/30 22:09:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: using backend concurrency of 4 instead of --multi-thread-streams 4
2025/01/30 22:09:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: Starting multi-thread copy with 26 chunks of size 64Mi with 4 parallel streams
2025/01/30 22:09:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 4/26 (201326592-268435456) size 64Mi starting
2025/01/30 22:09:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 1/26 (0-67108864) size 64Mi starting
2025/01/30 22:09:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 2/26 (67108864-134217728) size 64Mi starting
2025/01/30 22:09:37 DEBUG : The Walking Dead S01E01 (Passé Décomposé) MULTi VFF 1080p 10bit HDLight BluRay x265 HE-AAC 5.1 - QTZ.mkv: multi-thread copy: chunk 3/26 (134217728-201326592) size 64Mi starting
These errors suggest that rclone is encountering difficulties in accessing or retrieving the specified files from the remote storage.
I hope this detailed report provides clarity on the issues I'm facing and assists in diagnosing the problem. Thank you for your support.