Rclone mount onedrive error

Hello everyone!

First, excuse me for my English, I'm Brazilian and typed using a translator!

I'm using onedrive through the mount command, constantly generating errors as shown below:

2020/04/15 20:58:21 ERROR : NF Garantia Philco Britania/NF 212018/42180607019308000128550050002120181877549037.xml: File.Rename error: resourceModified: ETag does not match current item's value

2020/04/15 20:58:21 ERROR : NF Garantia Philco Britania/NF 212018/42180607019308000128550050002120181877549037.xml.ocTransferId93737727.part: Dir.Rename error: resourceModified: ETag does not match current item's value

My operating system is centOS 7 and my version of rclone is v1.51.0.

The command I am using in the assembly is:

rclone mount ONEDRIVE:FOLDER /files/ --allow-non-empty --allow-other &

Thank you!

Are you uploading the same file repeatedly?

Are you uploading the same file from different places?

That is the only thing I can think of that would produce the error "resourceModified: ETag does not match current item's value".

I forgot one detail:

The rclone mount I'm using is mounting the nextcloud data folder. This error happens when I'm uploading small files to the nextcloud.

Thank you.

nextcloud? I thought you were using onedrive?

Can you explain more?

I have a VPS, but the space is small, only 40GB, and I need at least 400GB of space. The cost of a VPS with this necessary storage space is very high, and I have OneDrive accounts available for such storage. Onedrive does not provide me with some necessary services in the company, but Nextcloud does.

The solution I developed and am trying to use is the following scenario:

1 - VPS - Running a NEXTCLOUD server
2 - Rclone mount - Mounting the group folders created in the nextcloud (/ var / www / html / nextcloud / data / __ groupfolders) in the mount ONE DRIVE
3 - Computer with the Nextcloud Client synchronizing files in the groups folder.

Some folders have many small files in .xml and others in .pdf, and during synchronization the nextcloud seems to create temporary files and when it finishes uploading it renames these files to their original name, but the error appears exactly at this time to rename.

Have you come across something like this? Do you know what I could try?

Again, I'm sorry for my bad English!

Excellent explanation - thank you :smiley:

I think it might be worth trying --vfs-cache-mode writes to see if that fixes the rename problem.

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