Rclone mount not working because its already running

Can anybody help me out?

I had a Rclone mount running for a week, but all of a sudden it stops working....

I had the following command running (in a service file):

Description=RClone Service


ExecStart=/home9/skyline/bin/rclone mount gdrive: /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount
--buffer-size 256M
--drive-chunk-size 32M
--dir-cache-time 96h
--log-level INFO
--log-file /home9/skyline/scripts/rclone.log
--timeout 1h
--umask 002
--vfs-cache-mode writes
--vfs-read-chunk-size 128M
--vfs-read-chunk-size-limit off
ExecStop=/bin/fusermount -uz /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount

I'm trying to restart the service file but this doesn't work. See error:

systemctl --user status rclone-vfs.service
rclone-vfs.service - RClone Service
Loaded: loaded (/home9/skyline/.config/systemd/user/rclone-vfs.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2019-09-23 22:09:34 CEST; 5s ago

Then I wanted to unmount (with the command:)

fusermount -uz ~/Stuff/Mount

But this works neither. See error:

fusermount: entry for /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount not found in /etc/mtab

Anybody knows what's going wrong?

It's tell you it failed to load.

Is the service file up top your actual file?

For lines that continue, you need a space and \ like this:

[felix@gemini system]$ cat rclone.service
Description=RClone Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/rclone mount gcrypt: /GD \
--allow-other \
--attr-timeout 1000h \
--buffer-size 128M \
--dir-cache-time 1000h \
--log-level INFO \
--log-file /opt/rclone/logs/rclone.log \
--poll-interval 15s \
--timeout 1h \
--umask 002 \
--rc \
ExecStop=/bin/fusermount -uz /GD


Hmm, it didnt get copied. But I got the \ for every space.


What's the contents of the log file? That should have the error.

You can paste it in via hand and see what the issue is too.

export RCLONE_CONFIG=/home9/skyline/.config/rclone/rclone.conf

and paste in the service part:

/home9/skyline/bin/rclone mount gdrive: /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount 
--buffer-size 256M 
--drive-chunk-size 32M 
--dir-cache-time 96h 
--log-level INFO 
--log-file /home9/skyline/scripts/rclone.log 
--timeout 1h 
--umask 002 
--vfs-cache-mode writes 
--vfs-read-chunk-size 128M 
--vfs-read-chunk-size-limit off
ExecStop=/bin/fusermount -uz /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount

With the proper on it as you shared in the screenshot.

This is the rclone.log since when the issue occured:

2019/09/23 16:37:33 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 16:37:33 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 16:37:34 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 16:37:34 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 16:37:35 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 16:37:35 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 16:37:36 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 16:37:36 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 16:37:37 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 16:37:37 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 19:23:08 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 19:23:08 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 19:23:09 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 19:23:09 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 19:23:09 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 21:47:24 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 21:47:24 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 21:47:24 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 21:47:25 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 21:47:25 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 21:58:54 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 21:58:54 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 21:58:54 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 21:58:54 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 21:58:55 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 22:02:20 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
rclone mount remote:path /path/to/mountpoint [flags]

--allow-non-empty Allow mounting over a non-empty directory.
--allow-other Allow access to other users.
--allow-root Allow access to root user.
--attr-timeout duration Time for which file/directory attributes are cached. (default 1s)
--daemon Run mount as a daemon (background mode).
--daemon-timeout duration Time limit for rclone to respond to kernel (not supported by all OSes).
--debug-fuse Debug the FUSE internals - needs -v.
--default-permissions Makes kernel enforce access control based on the file mode.
--dir-cache-time duration Time to cache directory entries for. (default 5m0s)
--dir-perms FileMode Directory permissions (default 0777)
--file-perms FileMode File permissions (default 0666)
--fuse-flag stringArray Flags or arguments to be passed direct to libfuse/WinFsp. Repeat if required.
--gid uint32 Override the gid field set by the filesystem. (default 1079)
-h, --help help for mount
--max-read-ahead SizeSuffix The number of bytes that can be prefetched for sequential reads. (default 128k)
--no-checksum Don't compare checksums on up/download.
--no-modtime Don't read/write the modification time (can speed things up).
--no-seek Don't allow seeking in files.
-o, --option stringArray Option for libfuse/WinFsp. Repeat if required.
--poll-interval duration Time to wait between polling for changes. Must be smaller than dir-cache-time. Only on supported remotes. Set to 0 to disable. (default 1m0s)
--read-only Mount read-only.
--uid uint32 Override the uid field set by the filesystem. (default 1079)
--umask int Override the permission bits set by the filesystem.
--vfs-cache-max-age duration Max age of objects in the cache. (default 1h0m0s)
--vfs-cache-max-size SizeSuffix Max total size of objects in the cache. (default off)
--vfs-cache-mode CacheMode Cache mode off|minimal|writes|full (default off)
--vfs-cache-poll-interval duration Interval to poll the cache for stale objects. (default 1m0s)
--vfs-read-chunk-size SizeSuffix Read the source objects in chunks. (default 128M)
--vfs-read-chunk-size-limit SizeSuffix If greater than --vfs-read-chunk-size, double the chunk size after each chunk read, until the limit is reached. 'off' is unlimited. (default off)
--volname string Set the volume name (not supported by all OSes).
--write-back-cache Makes kernel buffer writes before sending them to rclone. Without this, writethrough caching is used.

Use "rclone [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Use "rclone help flags" for to see the global flags.
Use "rclone help backends" for a list of supported services.
Command mount needs 2 arguments minimum: you provided 1 non flag arguments: ["gdrive:/home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount"]
2019/09/23 22:09:33 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 22:09:33 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 22:09:34 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 22:09:34 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file
2019/09/23 22:09:34 Failed to create file system for "gdrive:": didn't find section in config file

I have tried a bit with it, thats why the minimum 2 arguments are in. But the mount command it currently as the screenshot.

That looks like your config is not quite correct. Can you share your rclone.conf without keys/passwords?

ls -al /home9/skyline/.config/rclone/rclone.conf shows what?

Oh, all the remotes were gone for some reason!

I have just set up a gdrive and its working again. I have no idea why it was gone after a maintenance, but at least it works now.

Thanks for your help!

allright, The mount works even though I had to remount it again today...

Hope it wont remove itself again anymore.

But the upload to Google drive doesnt work currrently.
I have tried to remount it, write a new move script and so on. But it didnt work.

The log says:

2019/09/26 09:14:20 Fatal error: Can not open: /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: open /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: transport endpoint is not connected
2019/09/26 09:14:20 Fatal error: Can not open: /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: open /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: transport endpoint is not connected
2019/09/26 09:14:21 Fatal error: Can not open: /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: open /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: transport endpoint is not connected
2019/09/26 09:14:21 Fatal error: Can not open: /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: open /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: transport endpoint is not connected
2019/09/26 09:14:21 Fatal error: Can not open: /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: open /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: transport endpoint is not connected
2019/09/26 14:11:22 Fatal error: Can not open: /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: open /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: transport endpoint is not connected
2019/09/26 14:11:22 Fatal error: Can not open: /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: open /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: transport endpoint is not connected
2019/09/26 14:11:22 Fatal error: Can not open: /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: open /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: transport endpoint is not connected
2019/09/26 14:11:23 Fatal error: Can not open: /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: open /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: transport endpoint is not connected
2019/09/26 14:11:23 Fatal error: Can not open: /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: open /home9/skyline/Stuff/Mount: transport endpoint is not connected
2019/09/26 14:13:46 INFO : Plex/Porn/.sync/ID: Removed from cache
2019/09/26 14:13:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 0 (was 0), total size 20 (was 0)
2019/09/26 14:13:52 INFO : Plex/Porn/.sync/ID: Copied (new)
2019/09/26 14:14:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:15:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:16:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:17:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:18:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:19:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:20:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:21:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:22:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:23:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:24:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:25:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:26:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:27:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:28:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:29:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:30:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:31:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:32:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:33:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:34:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:35:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:36:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:37:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:38:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:39:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:40:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:41:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:42:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:43:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:44:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:45:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:46:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:47:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:48:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:49:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:50:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:51:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:52:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:53:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:54:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:55:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:56:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:57:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:58:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 14:59:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:00:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:01:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:02:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:03:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:04:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:05:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:06:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:07:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:08:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:09:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:10:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:11:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:12:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:13:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:14:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:15:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:16:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:17:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:18:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:19:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:20:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:21:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:22:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:23:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:24:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:25:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:26:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:27:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:28:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:29:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:30:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:31:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:32:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:33:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:34:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:35:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:36:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:37:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:38:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:39:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:40:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:41:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:42:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:43:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:44:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:45:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:46:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:47:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:48:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:49:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:50:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:51:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:52:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:53:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:54:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:55:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:56:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:57:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:58:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 15:59:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:00:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:01:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:02:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:03:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:04:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:05:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:06:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:07:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:08:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:09:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:10:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:11:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:12:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:13:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:14:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:15:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:16:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:17:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:18:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:19:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:20:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:21:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:22:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:23:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:24:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:25:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:26:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:27:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:28:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:29:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:30:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:31:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:32:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:33:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:34:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 16:35:46 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)

So, I had a problem with my Mount folder. That was when the mount was gone. It took a while to figure everything out, but it's up since 14:10. Since then it only cleaned cache objects.

Why is it not uploading to google drive? The limit of 750gb is already over so that shouldnt be the problem.

That looks like you either unmounted it / killed it and it didn't properly unmount.

When you said it's gone, what was systemctl status on the service?

If you do not have KillMode=none and it can't unmount, it will kill the process and have the error you have as it's not unmounted properly so it can't mount it.

I cant remember what the status was. I actually think I didnt even look at it. I noticed the issue with my Plex. I couldnt find the folders in my gdrive.

The current status is as follows:

I havent really dont anything besides use fusermount -uz and enable the systemctl to get it working.

Ah, the mount didnt work. The folder that should mount is still empty

The mount doesn't work because systemd kills it.

It's easy to reproduce:

[felix@gemini /]$ rclone mount GD: /Test --daemon
[felix@gemini /]$ cd /Test
[felix@gemini Test]$ ls
95tj3q4gj5ban13ppu0kisguco  hosts  smu5ej34ujbdoip1cm3mlk92q4  tnvepu36qiohcun8v84ddhsam0
[felix@gemini Test]$ cd
[felix@gemini ~]$ ps -ef | grep Test
felix    30539     1  1 13:42 ?        00:00:00 rclone mount GD: /Test --daemon
felix    30583 17554  0 13:42 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto Test
[felix@gemini ~]$ cd /Test
[felix@gemini Test]$ kill 30539
[felix@gemini Test]$ ls
ls: cannot open directory '.': Transport endpoint is not connected
[felix@gemini Test]$ cd
[felix@gemini ~]$ cd /Test
-bash: cd: /Test: Transport endpoint is not connected
[felix@gemini ~]$

It won't work as the rclone process was killed.

[felix@gemini ~]$
[felix@gemini ~]$ fusermount -uz /Test
[felix@gemini ~]$ cd /Test
[felix@gemini Test]$ ls
[felix@gemini Test]$

I did those steps and that worked perfectly. However is it possible to get the mount back on the original folder?

If you see that error, you need to make sure all processes hitting the mount point are done hitting it so you can unmount it.

If you stop it with systemd and it kills the process, you get that error.

You can see my example about to change the kill mode so the issue doesn’t happen.

ah completely forgot to mention that I have it working!

Thanks for the command. Didnt knew this one:

ps -ef | grep

I dont know why... But its not uploading....

The mount did work, Plex is working great on it, but it wont upload to google drive.

2019/09/26 20:12:29 INFO : Starting bandwidth limiter at 8.447MBytes/s
2019/09/26 20:12:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 0 (was 0), total size 20 (was 0)
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2019/09/26 20:31:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
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2019/09/26 20:34:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:35:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:36:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:37:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:38:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:39:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:40:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:41:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:42:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:43:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:44:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:45:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:46:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:47:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:48:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:49:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:50:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:51:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:52:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:53:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:54:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:55:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:56:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:57:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:58:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 20:59:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:00:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:01:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:02:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:03:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:04:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:05:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:06:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:07:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:08:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:09:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:10:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:11:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:12:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:13:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:14:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:15:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:16:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:17:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:18:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:19:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:20:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:21:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:22:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:23:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:24:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:25:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:26:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:27:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:28:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:29:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:30:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:31:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:32:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:33:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:34:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:35:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:36:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:37:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:38:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:39:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:40:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:41:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:42:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:43:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:44:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:45:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:46:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:47:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:48:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:49:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:50:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:51:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:52:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:53:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)
2019/09/26 21:54:30 INFO : Cleaned the cache: objects 5 (was 5), total size 20 (was 20)

When I manually wanna run the script I get the following:

skyline: /home9/skyline/scripts/rclone-upload-with-notification-Downloaded.sh
/home9/skyline/scripts/rclone-upload-with-notification-Downloaded.sh is already running.

Where can I kill this script so I can restart it? Its not in the command

ps -ef | grep

Unless its this one:
skyline  73098 24802  0 21:56 pts/32   00:00:00 grep Stuff/Local

I have no idea what this represents.

I’m confused as to what problem you are trying to solve.

The mount is working and you are now trying to debug the upload script?

Share the full script as you want to grow for the script name and see if it’s running.

This is the full script

skyline: cat /home9/skyline/scripts/rclone-upload-with-notification-Downloaded.sh

Rclone upload script with optional Discord notification upon move completion (if something is moved)

Recommended for use via cron

For example: */10 * * * * /path/to/rclone-upload.sh >/dev/null 2>&1


DESTINATION_DIR="gdrive:Plex/Movies and TV Shows/Downloaded"

DISCORD_NAME_OVERRIDE="Downloader to be organised content"




trap 'rm -f $LOCK_FILE; exit 0' SIGINT SIGTERM
if [ -e "$LOCK_FILE" ]
echo "$0 is already running."
touch "$LOCK_FILE"

rclone_move() {
"$HOME"/bin/rclone move -vP
--drive-chunk-size 128M
# "--stats=9999m" mitigates early stats output
# "2>&1" ensures error output when running via command line
echo "$rclone_command"

if [ "$DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL" != "" ]; then

rclone_sani_command="$(echo $rclone_command | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g')" # Remove all escape sequences

# Notifications assume following rclone ouput:
# Transferred: 0 / 0 Bytes, -, 0 Bytes/s, ETA - Errors: 0 Checks: 0 / 0, - Transferred: 0 / 0, - Elapsed time: 0.0s

transferred_amount=${rclone_sani_command#*Transferred: }
transferred_amount=${transferred_amount%% /*}

send_notification() {
  output_transferred_main=${rclone_sani_command#*Transferred: }
  output_transferred_main=${output_transferred_main% Errors*}
  output_errors=${rclone_sani_command#*Errors: }
  output_errors=${output_errors% Checks*}
  output_checks=${rclone_sani_command#*Checks: }
  output_checks=${output_checks% Transferred*}
  output_transferred=${rclone_sani_command##*Transferred: }
  output_transferred=${output_transferred% Elapsed*}
  output_elapsed=${rclone_sani_command##*Elapsed time: }

    "username": "'"$DISCORD_NAME_OVERRIDE"'",
    "avatar_url": "'"$DISCORD_ICON_OVERRIDE"'",
    "content": null,
    "embeds": [
        "title": "Rclone Upload Task: Success!",
        "color": 4094126,
        "fields": [
            "name": "Transferred",
            "value": "'"$output_transferred_main"'"
            "name": "Errors",
            "value": "'"$output_errors"'"
            "name": "Checks",
            "value": "'"$output_checks"'"
            "name": "Transferred",
            "value": "'"$output_transferred"'"
            "name": "Elapsed time",
            "value": "'"$output_elapsed"'"
        "thumbnail": {
          "url": null

  /usr/local/bin/curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$notification_data" $DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL

if [ "$transferred_amount" != "0" ]; then


rm -f "$LOCK_FILE"

This one is currently running while it didnt upload anything in a period of 40 hours.

In Crontab -e I have the following:

0 21 * * * /home9/skyline/scripts/rclone-upload-with-notification-Downloaded.sh

And if I wanna run it manually then I get the following message:

skyline: /home9/skyline/scripts/rclone-upload-with-notification-Downloaded.sh
/home9/skyline/scripts/rclone-upload-with-notification-Downloaded.sh is already running.

I have the stuff that should be uploaded in the folder: /home9/skyline/Stuff/Local/Downloaded
So I think everything should work fine right now? But it doesnt upload anything.

The rclone-upload.log just shows what was uploaded in the past.

You'd want to check your lockfile and see if it is there.

You can see if the script is running with:

ps -ef |rclone-upload-with-notification-Downloaded.sh

If not running, it probably didn't clean up it's lockfile so you'd have to remove that and run it again.

The lock file is empty.

I see that the script is running, but I cant kill it since its refreshing the process number every millisecond so I cant kill it. I have even tried:

ps -ef | grep /home9/skyline/scripts/rclone-upload-with-notification-Downloaded.sh | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
kill: (33063): No such process

So I think its refreshing to fast?

I have no idea how to kill it now...

You'd want to stop your crontab or whatever is calling it and debug the process by running it by hand.