Rclone migration error from Amazon S3 to Digital Ocean Spaces

Following the oficial tutorial of Digital Ocean ‘How To Migrate from Amazon S3 to DigitalOcean Spaces with rclone’ I got to do all work well, less the more important: ‘rclone sync s3:source-of-files spaces:dest-of-files’ (Migrate); I faced an error like this:

2017/11/07 18:25:02 ERROR : uploads/figure_block/data/1658752/thumb_dor.jpg: Failed to copy: InvalidArgument: status code: 400, request id: tx00000000000000651804a-005a01fa7e-3f966-nyc3a, host id:

What may be wrong?

Is that a temporary error? If you try the sync again does it work?

For now, I don’t know why! But, the tutorial just works with the version v1.32 of rclone; AND, running from unziped folder, without install; Just works.

That error looked like a temporary error so hopefully retrying will make it work.

I tested with all versions from 1.25 to 1.38; from 1.25 to 1.30 nothing was synced neither copied; from 1.33 to 1.38 always appears the erro that I first posted; versions 1.31 and 1.32 worked, but without being installed; it is really a strange behavior;

All versions was able to read buckets;

Sorry, I misunderstood what you said.

Can you create a small text file then try to copy it to spaces

so rclone -vv --dump-bodies copy small.txt spaces:destbucket

This will print the http transactions - can you paste the error transaction here? (Remove any sensitive info).