Rclone Google Drive upload delay

Hello, I have my rclone setup with Google Drive, every time I try to upload anything simply using the command:

rclone copy source destination:/

rclone waits a good few minutes before it starts doing anything, I keep seeing 0 Bytes (0 Bytes/s) before it actually starts uploading. Every single time. However, its not always the same amount of minutes, sometimes it kicks in after 2 minutes, one time it lasted 11 minutes before it actually started uploading. Once the upload starts, everything uploads correctly. Am I missing anything here? Is this normal behavior?

Transferred:      0 Bytes (0 Bytes/s)
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0
Transferred:            0
Elapsed time:      1m0.4s

2017/02/11 21:52:25
Transferred:      0 Bytes (0 Bytes/s)
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0
Transferred:            0
Elapsed time:      2m0.4s

2017/02/11 21:53:25
Transferred:      0 Bytes (0 Bytes/s)
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0
Transferred:            0
Elapsed time:      3m0.4s

2017/02/11 21:54:25
Transferred:      0 Bytes (0 Bytes/s)
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0
Transferred:            0
Elapsed time:      4m0.4s

2017/02/11 21:55:25
Transferred:      0 Bytes (0 Bytes/s)
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0
Transferred:            0
Elapsed time:      5m0.4s

2017/02/11 21:56:25
Transferred:      0 Bytes (0 Bytes/s)
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0
Transferred:            0
Elapsed time:      6m0.4s

2017/02/11 21:57:25
Transferred:      0 Bytes (0 Bytes/s)
Errors:                 0
Checks:                 0
Transferred:            0
Elapsed time:      7m0.4s

2017/02/11 21:58:10 Google drive root '': Waiting for checks to finish
2017/02/11 21:58:10 Google drive root '': Waiting for transfers to finish

More than likely it is checking all of the files on your system vs google. This can take a while if you have a large number of files. If you use the -v flag it will show you what it is doing.

I will try -v and report back. Weird though since it doesn’t do that with OneDrive. Unless Google Drive is just that slower at reporting back I guess!

Also, is there a way to skip checks and just upload the file right away? I don’t care about the checks since all the files I am uploading are new and there is no chance they already exist

rclone copy with the --no-traverse flag is what you want.

So I ran the command with -v and I see a lot of:

2017/02/13 09:38:43 pacer: Rate limited, sleeping for 1.202729479s (1 consecutive low level retries)
2017/02/13 09:38:43 pacer: low level retry 1/10 (error googleapi: Error 403: User Rate Limit Exceeded, userRateLimitExceeded)
2017/02/13 09:38:43 pacer: Resetting sleep to minimum 10ms on success

Which explains why it sometimes take forever to upload! I didn’t have this issue with OneDrive.
What will happen if I use the --no-traverse option but the same file already exists in the cloud? Will it ignore or overwrite? If lets say I use the setting, can I have it ignore and end upload if the same file exist?

The idea here is to just upload fast without reading the whole drive first, if the file exist, skip, if not, upload and end.

It will overwrite it.

You want to add --ignore-existing for that.


PERFECT! exactly what I needed

Thank you

You won me over buddy. I added the 2 lines you mentioned and man did that ever save me hours! Thanks so much for this, you’ve got my upvote.