Rclone for MAC OSX with Intel i5 64 Bit

I wonder if anyone can kindly help with my question please?

I have a MAC i5 64 bit with OSX 10.15.2, I see in the downloads that there is an AMD version and a 32 bit version for download, also the script install.

Q1) Is there a version of Rclone that will work on my set up ?
Q2) If so, which install should I use, or should I use the script method?

Thank you for reading
Have a great day!

The script method is easier.

AMD64 is the one you want as if you download manually.

Here is why the AMD64 is the one for Intel if you want the history :slight_smile:

BTW I've change the download to look like this now to save confusion - this will be released at the next point release

Thank you so much for clarifying that and i'm now looking forward to using it!!

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