Rclone fatal error mount not ready

Seems to be back running the old binary again :frowning:

I'm not sure how to help here at this point.

It mounts but something is not right nothing works. I can see the files but nothing plays and it just seems to hang up. Then after a bit the mount is gone.
Also so normally when I run the mount code I get the blank line after a few seconds like its ready for its next input.
Now it just sits there like in limbo. So now after running rclone mount it just sits there

ilovemymac@ariel ~ $ rclone mount  --dir-cache-time=64h --vfs-cache-mode=full --vfs-cache-max-age=6h Dropbox1:  ~/PLEX/

what about an alias?
alias rclone="/home/ilovemymac/rclone-v1.57.0-linux-amd64/rclone"

what do I do with alias? Sorry not following.

you can read about it here

Why am I using the dir cache over the buffer-size=64M?
As it seems to work a while then now it just seems to be at a snails pace.
I mean that when im using my plex now It just sits and spins trying to load after a short while it does but again everything takes forever.

sorry, not understand the question.

you took out the buffer size common and only have the dir-cache command so the whole command is

rclone mount  --dir-cache-time=64h --vfs-cache-mode=full --vfs-cache-max-age=6h

Rather then rclone mount --buffer-size=64M --dir-cache-time=64h --vfs-cache-mode=full --vfs-cache-max-age=6h

Its just that while this command you gave me mounts as I said it just slows down after playing a few files and now everything takes forever to load.
Well now I am getting an refresh token is invalid and im not sure where that came from

should not make a difference,
if you want to use --buffer-size=64M, then use it

Do you know what would cause the refresh invalid token to appear? That has never happened.

Now when I tried to mount I got this

ilovemymac@ariel ~ $ rclone mount  --dir-cache-time=64h --vfs-cache-mode=full --vfs-cache-max-age=6h Dropbox1: ~/files/
2022/01/05 19:45:49 mount helper error: fusermount: failed to access mountpoint /mnt/mpathad/ilovemymac/files: Permission denied
2022/01/05 19:45:49 Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: exit status 1

But yet in plex the mount is there as I can see my files so not sure what is going on.

when plex first scans a library, it creates a local database of the files/thumbails/etc...
so you can see the files in the library but if the rclone mount is not running, and you try to play a flie, you will get an error like this

Yes I get that. When it is mounted I see what I show in the pic here. I can go and I can navigate to all my folders in dropbox.
However if the mount is offline then when I open files or whatever the folder is I see nothing its blank it does not show my folders in dropbox.

if the mount is offline, you cannot access dropbox, you cannot play media files.

yes I know. What I am saying is that its so weird that in rclone it is popping an error and is not showing like its mounted.
However when I open plex I can see my folders just fine. So I know when its really mounted ext but it just didnt make sense as rclone has always given me the blank line once mounted

ilovemymac@ariel ~ $ 

Rather then what I see now is where it seems like its thinking or working in the background yet its mounted. if I am not making sense I can screenshot the difference.

ilovemymac@ariel ~ $ rclone mount  --dir-cache-time=64h --vfs-cache-mode=full --vfs-cache-max-age=6h Dropbox1: ~/files/
2022/01/05 19:47:30 ERROR : Dropbox root '': Statfs failed: about failed: missing_scope/...

It took over an hour for that error to pop which is weird too. before that I just had a curser after the files/

The problem with this the way it is it quits after a few hours and I have to run the mount again. Then it works for a few hours then quits and it’s not mounted anymore or if it is everyone is laggy horribly so.

There has to be something I’m missing.

no way to know what is going on as you are not using a rclone debug log.

ok how do I do that?

add something like
--log-level=DEBUG --log-file=/path/to/folder/rclone.log

That's all I get. I dont see the added contents as before

ilovemymac@ariel ~ $ rclone mount -vv --log-file=debug.log --buffer-size=64M --dir-cache-time=64h --vfs-cache-mode=full --vfs-cache-max-age=6h Dropbox1: ~/files/
ilovemymac@ariel ~ $