Rclone dont make stream file to vlc

so it is exactly the same....

You see only one file and other folders are not accessible?

actually I've only one file in the directories /all/serietv/example.mp4 for test porpouse

So what is the problem?

Errors in rclone log are related to folders like film not being accessible - it is the same with filezilla - so it is not rclone problem

serietv - you can see what is there in filezilla and in your mount.

This it's the terminal response:

a@media:~/streamtape1 $ cd all
a@media:~/streamtape1/all $ ls
film serietv
a@media:~/streamtape1/all $ cd serietv/
a@media:~/streamtape1/all/serietv $ ls
'1x01 - Una prova per non morire.mkv.mp4'

you can open VLC and try to play '1x01 - Una prova per non morire.mkv.mp4'

Ok I got it, but my question is, how is possible that in terminal i can see the file, meanwhile in filezilla and in jellyfin don't?

You just tested and you can see it.

this image refers to ftp.streamtape.com not to the mounted directory, if i watch, using filezilla inside the mounted directory it says that directory it's void

What you mean watch using filezilla?

start vlc -> open file -> go to /home/a/streamtape1/all/serietv -> select your mp4 file and play

This is why you mount remote ftp site to make it accessible locally so you can play your media.

I apology for my english, I'm tryng to explain as better I can

Now I have tested the mounted directory with the mounted file on vlc, and it works

That's the actual situation:

  • Actually, I can see my media on filezilla, on the directory mounted

But in jellyfin the same problem remains, it won't let me go beyond the "a" folder

So now, my question is, could be a problem caused by rclone?

No worries:) as long as we find solution all is fine:)

So we know that you can mount ftp content using rclone with cache options and play it with VLC - this is progress.

I know nothing about jellyfin but thx for video - sometimes better than 1000 words:) I think it is simple - nothing about rclone. jellyfin user does not have permissions to see user a folder. Is jellyfin run also on this raspberry pi?

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try adding --allow-other to the rclone mount command.

wont be enough:) as it cant even enter a folder where mount is.

Yes, jellyfin and rclone are both in root user that is "a", I've tried to play files inside the directory in the hdd and it works fine, they play also on jellyfin, so i don't think it's user permission of the directory

let's try something slightly different (you should also do some learning about linux permissions:) - but this is your homework for later).

on raspberry pi do the following (before stop all mounts you are running):

cd /
sudo mkdir streamtape
sudo chown a:a streamtape
sudo chmod 777 streamtape

rclone mount streamtape: /streamtape --vfs-cache-mode full --vfs-cache-max-size 100G --allow-other

now try if you can go to /streamtape with jellyfin

This console response:

a@media:/ $ rclone mount streamtape: /streamtape --vfs-cache-mode full --vfs-cache-max-size 100G --allow-other
2023/06/18 16:45:49 mount helper error: fusermount3: option allow_other only allowed if 'user_allow_other' is set in /etc/fuse.conf
2023/06/18 16:45:49 Fatal error: failed to mount FUSE fs: fusermount: exit status 1

I've tried to learn more about user permision on linux, but I use mainly windows, so It's a little bit complicated for me, but in future i'll try to learn it better :slight_smile:

ok remove --allow-other from mount command - I thought it is not such bad idea just to have it

I suspect it is some issue with your a user - but this is rclone forum not all linux troubleshooting issues on the planet:) This you can try to solve later.

Hence my suggestion is to try to mount it to folder fully accessible to anybody and anything - without touching your a folder.

that is a common problem in the forum and on the internet.

Thank you.

but here problem is /home/a/mountPoint

jellysomething can not even enter a. So even if mountPoint is 777 nothing can help

but definitely something for @Alessandro_Congiu to look later:)

if we combine --allow-other and mount to /streamtape, that should solve it.
as that is what i do with jellyfin/emby.

yeap then sudo chmod 777 /streamtape would not be needed - agree.