RClone does not leave me write or read my mount gdrive using Web GUI

I doing that now, now that rclone mount does not work I have not other option to sync manually.

the reason than I use rclone is because was a better alternative to Gdrive Stream.

I think that rclone moved something in the registre or maybe autodesk is blocking rclone, or maybe windows defender blocked, I do know, I just want to solve this.

sorry, getting confused on the exact problem?

you can sync with rclone sync local gdrive:, that is what i do
if you need a gui, rclone has a one or much better - rclone browser.

do you mean the system registry?
rclone does not use it.

not sure how that is possible, never heard of an app blocking rclone.

as a test, disable it

well I tested windows defender and firewall, no errors apparently. how can I know if google blocked my pc?

I can not stream my files using "rclone mount cache gdrive"

edit: now testing rclone browser.

not sure how that is possible, never saw a post about that?

that does not look like a valid command?

not sure the name of the remote, as you used jtm2019hyo: and gdrive: in these posts.
whichever it is, i assume that you can do a rclone ls and see that files?

I was testing rclone browser, but I feel similar to webUI or open gdrive directly in the firefox. I still need stream my cloud storage

I not sure how use this command rclone sync local gdrive:

I not sure how use rclone ls, I tried :

I mean: rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode full jtm2019hyo:\ z: -v

replace local with the local path of the source files.

make sure to test with --dry-run

my rclone mount command is not working, I mean this:

did you try dir z: as command prompt using

  • admin rights
  • standard rights

make sure to post the command and output

can you post the text output of rclone or use a log file, not a blurry screenshot?

left: windows explorer
right top: powershell standard rights
right bottom: powershell admin rights

aparently a combination between dir z: , rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode full jtm2019hyo:\ z: -v and admin right and standard right solved this:

what happen in the gif was:

1 use rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode full jtm2019hyo:\ z: -v in the powershell with standard right
2 use dir z: in the powershell with admin right
3 resut after a F5 in windows explorer: solved, I can stream my files


1 use rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode full jtm2019hyo:\ z: -v in the powershell with admin right
2 use dir z: in the powershell with standard right
3 resut after a F5 in windows explorer: unsolved, I can not stream my files

no idea what is going on, but I already can use my stream.

thanks a lot. I not sure if mark as solved your answer or my answer.

PD: without dir z: this can not be solved.

yes, that is why up above i asked you for that info.
this is a well documented problem

Why Mount in Windows shows success but no label in explore?


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what is the correct way to solve this?

I mark both post, but look like just one can be the solution.

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