Rclone does not backup file containing `ô` character

Other workaround I used was to convert all names to specific normalization before transferring data to cloud.

$ brew install convmv

# Convert all files in a directory from NFD to NFC:
$ convmv -r -f utf8 -t utf8 --nfc --notest .

# Convert all files in a directory from NFC to NFD:
$ convmv -r -f utf8 -t utf8 --nfd --notest .

What worked for me was to convert all to NFC and use fuse-t with:

rclone mount crypt: ~/Temp/mount -o modules=iconv,from_code=UTF-8,to_code=UTF-8

Here my post re fuse-t - macOS rclone mount - new FUSE-T released - old issues fixed.

Then I can see everything in mount:

But my advice is not to use rclone mount on macOS... or do not use any characters not from basic ASCII set:) Hopefully it will change in the future - but nowadays it is not reliable at all with characters handling.

Please note that it is not just rclone problem. It is mess created by Apple which has nasty consequences:

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