What is the problem you are having with rclone?
rclone does not backup folder content if folder name contains ô
character. I had to replace ô
by o
to fix the problem.
Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.
rclone v1.65.1
- os/version: darwin 12.7.1 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 21.6.0 (x86_64)
- os/type: darwin
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.21.5
- go/linking: dynamic
- go/tags: cmount
Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)
The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp
rclone -Lv --log-file=/tmp/rclone.log --filter-from /usr/local/etc/rclone/filter_mbp.txt sync ~ Safe:/MBP/ \
--backup-dir Safe:/OLD/MBP/$date
The rclone config contents with secrets removed.
type = crypt
remote = Hurd:/home/lota/RESCUE
filename_encryption = standard
password = …
password2 = …
directory_name_encryption = true
type = sftp
host = [IP Address]
user = lota
port = 5000
key_use_agent = true
md5sum_command = md5sum
sha1sum_command = sha1sum
shell_type = unix
type = sftp
host = mini.local
user = hfa
port = 22
key_use_agent = true
md5sum_command = md5sum
sha1sum_command = sha1sum
shell_type = unix
A log from the command with the -vv
Although, Contrôle mini
shows up in the log, it is simply not copied to the server.
Log available at this bin .
This is strange and I can not reproduce it:
$ rclone version
rclone v1.65.1
- os/version: darwin 14.2.1 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 23.2.0 (x86_64)
- os/type: darwin
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.21.5
- go/linking: dynamic
- go/tags: cmount
$ tree
├── Contrôle mini
│ └── file.txt
└── test
└── file2.txt
$ rclone sync . crypt:test
$ rclone ls crypt:test
0 test/file2.txt
0 Contrôle mini/file.txt
I forgot to mention rclone is executed on macOS Monterey…
Yes I can see but it should not make any difference. Could you try simple test like mine? With limited content?
I just did the same test as yours and it works fine. Dunno what's the probem with my other folder yet.
I just created another folder named Trôle
under ~/Thinker/
and the issue persists.
It appears that folders bearing ô
characters are just ignored, on my end, obviously.
No issue with filename bearing ô
How you check if it exist on remote? rclone ls
All works for me...
$ tree
├── Contrôle mini
│ ├── Trôle
│ │ └── file3.txt
│ └── file.txt
└── test
└── file2.txt
$ rclone sync . crypt:test
$ rclone ls crypt:test
0 test/file2.txt
0 Contrôle mini/file.txt
0 Contrôle mini/Trôle/file3.txt
(Fax O'therapy)
January 12, 2024, 10:08am
No… I was browsing the content using macOS Finder…
rclonem='rclone mount --daemon Safe: /usr/local/mnt/rclone > /dev/null 2>&1'
Indeed, when I input rclone lsd Safe:MBP/Test
I can see the folder. Apparently, it is well synced. It's just that it is not visible via the rclone mount
OK. Perfect. This is can of warm - rclone mount
on macOS
opened 08:56AM - 21 Jun 23 UTC
VFS / mount
Immediate goal of this enhancement is to fix macOS `rclone mount` which at the m… oment does not work properly regardless of mounting method used - macOSFUSE or FUSE-T. Optionally normalized VFS can bring other benefits as well e.g. some less common or future filesystems rclone users can work with and normalization constraints imposed.
The background issue and possible solutions have been discussed on the forum:
At the moment many cloud storage destinations (and rclone virtual crypt remote) allow to store both NFC and NFD encoded files/directories names. Also rclone allows to upload/download both forms.
This in general works trouble free on Linux and Windows but breaks rclone mount functionality in macOS - depending on mount options either only NFC or only NFD content is visible/accessible - this is [unfortunate](https://eclecticlight.co/2021/05/08/explainer-unicode-normalization-and-apfs/) consequence of Apple design decision to be different than rest of the world and use exclusively NFD in their APIs. We won't change it.
Experimentation and testing, including [attempts](https://github.com/macos-fuse-t/fuse-t/issues/16) to improve situation with FUSE-T (it has now - since v1.0.20 - `-o nfc` option which should help with NFC path) lead me to believe that last missing part of the puzzle is rclone VFS lack of normalization.
I would like to propose to add optional normalization to VFS.
New option:
--vfs-normalize OFF/NFC/NFD - with OFF being default
When set to NFC or NFD it would apply characters normalization to served content.
Edge case to watch is situation where two names differ only by normalization and coexist in the same folder e.g.:
$ rclone lsf crypt:TEST
one file is NFC and other is NFD. Only solution I see for such case is use only one name and log ERROR.
I have tried rclone mount
right now and it is exactly an issue. NFC/NFD saga.
Maybe rclone nfsmount
will work better but it is still buggy:
opened 02:06PM - 12 Dec 23 UTC
We understand you are having a problem with rclone; we want to help you … with that!
**STOP and READ**
Please show the effort you've put into solving the problem and please be specific.
People are volunteering their time to help! Low effort posts are not likely to get good answers!
If you think you might have found a bug, try to replicate it with the latest beta (or stable).
The update instructions are available at https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_selfupdate/
If you can still replicate it or just got a question then please use the rclone forum:
for a quick response instead of filing an issue on this repo.
If nothing else helps, then please fill in the info below which helps us help you.
**DO NOT REDACT** any information except passwords/keys/personal info.
You should use 3 backticks to begin and end your paste to make it readable.
Make sure to include a log obtained with '-vv'.
You can also use '-vv --log-file bug.log' and a service such as https://pastebin.com or https://gist.github.com/
Thank you
The Rclone Developers
**Hello! I'm writing with an active issue that seems to affect `rclone nfsmount` on macOS.**
#### The associated forum post URL from `https://forum.rclone.org`
#### What is the problem you are having with rclone?
**ALL** attempts to copy files of any size or type, from Finder into OneDrive, via `nfsmount` fail.
It is not possible to write from Finder or save work. It *is* possible to read/open files.
Simple writing operations like `touch` and `cat > filename` from a shell do write properly into nfsmount.
#### What is your rclone version (output from `rclone version`)
1.65.0 via brew
#### Which OS you are using and how many bits (e.g. Windows 7, 64 bit)
**macOS Sonoma (14.1.1)** // ARM64
#### Which cloud storage system are you using? (e.g. Google Drive)
Microsoft OneDrive (personal family // 6TB)
#### The command you were trying to run (e.g. `rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp`)
`rclone nfsmount --vfs-cache-mode full --filter-from "/Users/<user>/.config/rclone/rclone-filter-rules.txt" OD: ~/MOUNT-OneDrive --verbose`
1. I am using `--vfs-cache-mode full` to allow writing with OneDrive. Using none gives an (expected) read-only error message.
2. Here are the contents of my filter rules file:
- **/.DS_Store
- **/.hidden*
- **/._*
#### A log from the command with the `-vv` flag (e.g. output from `rclone -vv copy /tmp remote:tmp`)
[ERROR] No file for lookup of ._GH010215.mp4
[ERROR] call to 0x106<###> failed: No such file or directory
INFO : SdT-Inboxes/GH010215.mp4: vfs cache: removed cache file as file deleted
[ERROR] No file for lookup of ._7F2A7976.JPG
[ERROR] call to 0x106<###> failed: No such file or directory
[ERROR] err loading attrs for SdT-Inboxes/GH010215.mp4: file does not exist
[ERROR] No file for lookup of ._7F2A7977.JPG
[ERROR] call to 0x106<###> failed: No such file or directory
[ERROR] err loading attrs for SdT-Inboxes/GH010215.mp4: file does not exist
<img width="684" alt="image" src="https://github.com/rclone/rclone/assets/35608185/9d2adedc-09e3-44e5-b4c5-bf5b91602585">
Confirming that the copy into the mount _did fail_, checking with Finder, `ls -hAls`, and even OneDrive webUI... all of these confirm that the file does **not** actually "already exist" as the error message above claims!
I hope this report helps with getting `nfsmount` sorted. :)
#### How to use GitHub
* Please use the 👍 [reaction](https://blog.github.com/2016-03-10-add-reactions-to-pull-requests-issues-and-comments/) to show that you are affected by the same issue.
* Please don't comment if you have no relevant information to add. It's just extra noise for everyone subscribed to this issue.
* Subscribe to receive notifications on status change and new comments.
Other workaround I used was to convert all names to specific normalization before transferring data to cloud.
$ brew install convmv
# Convert all files in a directory from NFD to NFC:
$ convmv -r -f utf8 -t utf8 --nfc --notest .
# Convert all files in a directory from NFC to NFD:
$ convmv -r -f utf8 -t utf8 --nfd --notest .
What worked for me was to convert all to NFC and use fuse-t with:
rclone mount crypt: ~/Temp/mount -o modules=iconv,from_code=UTF-8,to_code=UTF-8
Here my post re fuse-t - macOS rclone mount - new FUSE-T released - old issues fixed .
Then I can see everything in mount:
But my advice is not to use rclone mount
on macOS... or do not use any characters not from basic ASCII set:) Hopefully it will change in the future - but nowadays it is not reliable at all with characters handling.
Please note that it is not just rclone
problem. It is mess created by Apple which has nasty consequences:
1 Like
@ncw - have you had any chance to follow up on:
opened 08:56AM - 21 Jun 23 UTC
VFS / mount
Immediate goal of this enhancement is to fix macOS `rclone mount` which at the m… oment does not work properly regardless of mounting method used - macOSFUSE or FUSE-T. Optionally normalized VFS can bring other benefits as well e.g. some less common or future filesystems rclone users can work with and normalization constraints imposed.
The background issue and possible solutions have been discussed on the forum:
At the moment many cloud storage destinations (and rclone virtual crypt remote) allow to store both NFC and NFD encoded files/directories names. Also rclone allows to upload/download both forms.
This in general works trouble free on Linux and Windows but breaks rclone mount functionality in macOS - depending on mount options either only NFC or only NFD content is visible/accessible - this is [unfortunate](https://eclecticlight.co/2021/05/08/explainer-unicode-normalization-and-apfs/) consequence of Apple design decision to be different than rest of the world and use exclusively NFD in their APIs. We won't change it.
Experimentation and testing, including [attempts](https://github.com/macos-fuse-t/fuse-t/issues/16) to improve situation with FUSE-T (it has now - since v1.0.20 - `-o nfc` option which should help with NFC path) lead me to believe that last missing part of the puzzle is rclone VFS lack of normalization.
I would like to propose to add optional normalization to VFS.
New option:
--vfs-normalize OFF/NFC/NFD - with OFF being default
When set to NFC or NFD it would apply characters normalization to served content.
Edge case to watch is situation where two names differ only by normalization and coexist in the same folder e.g.:
$ rclone lsf crypt:TEST
one file is NFC and other is NFD. Only solution I see for such case is use only one name and log ERROR.
As you can see in this thread it is real problem for people using mount on macOS. Especially when they are not from UK/US:)
I have briefly tested rclone nfsmount
and NFC/NFD problem is there the same as with rclone mount
(Fax O'therapy)
January 12, 2024, 11:17am
Thanks for your time spent in investigating again this issue. It was surely informative for me. I should be more cautious when using accented characters next time.
There is no really 100% working solution today.... for mount on macOS
If you use my workaround and see everything in mount it does not mean that you can open all files using Finder
... but you can using terminal... But different files..
TOTAL mess.
(Fax O'therapy)
January 12, 2024, 11:33am
In fact, no need cause I'm slowly migrating my entire environment to Linux… Leaving macOS for good!
hahaha. Yes on Linux there is no such issue at all.
But there are still other macOS users:)
January 15, 2024, 11:40am
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