RClone Directory Empty Mac OS X

The main issue for me there was I couldn't get Ubuntu, Mint, etc. to work with the Mini's Broadcom card, and I can't run an ethernet cable =(

Understood as I'd just get hardware that works.

yes, i have done that.

and i rclone mount on synology and share that over over lan/vpn using smb.

if osx can mount a sftp server, then perhaps, run rclone serve sftp on osx.
and have osx mount to that.

I'm probably going to run Ubuntu in virtualbox and see if I can SMB mount it on OSX and feed it to Emby that way.

Interestingly enough @Animosity022 , I installed Mac Fuse via Homebrew, and haven't (as of yet) had isssues?

Knocking on wood!

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