I have configured two remotes: my ftp and yonder.disk. For some files with size around 1Gb (e.g., 1,34Gb, 780Mb) copy from ftp to yonder.disk stops at 99% and whole process is stuck. But the point is - files are shown at Yandex.Disk and they are completed (e.g., I can open an archive which had only 99% transfer or play a video).
What could be a reason and how I can workaround it?
Can you try to see whether uploading files to Yandex from your computer shows the same problem? Or downloading files from your FTP to your computer? We can narrow down what is happening.
the thing is: I run this command with limit for file size <= 500MB and it works perfect. But when it comes to bigger files I receive such stuck.
from the image I can download files from ftp to my laptop and from laptop to yandex.disk
Even more.
When transfer stocks at 99% I can download this file from Yandex.Disk and it’s not corrupted. I downloaded zip archive and extract everything form it. The same with video files, they transfer is completed. However rclone can’t finish transfer for some reason.