Rclone copy overwrites existing files

If I understand the issue correctly ( and I may not :sweat_smile:), You could serve it with one rclone process and then sync to your destination from the serve. :thinking:

Someone also mentioned this:

This script will work with My Drive but can be a bit more tricky. You need --drive-shared-with-me and/or --drive-impersonate, as SA accounts have their own (empty) My Drive but SAs cannot add shared folders to My Drive as you do with a normal account.

So thats why it probably dont work without the tag.

I don‘t really understand what you mean :sweat_smile:

Well. Like this:
rclone mount robgd:ups /test2 --drive-shared-with-me -vv

rclone copy /test2 robgd:test -vv

Fairly round about... But it may work. It did work in my simple test case. You could use any of the rclone serve ones also like ftp,sftp,http...

I tried that but once i added the tag to the mount command, it won‘t list anything in the mount.

But i dont need this tag for the mount. This actually might work. So then if i would transfer my stuff, i could go 10T/day cause of my drive download limitation?

Upload to TD is done with a cycle of SA‘s

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