Rclone copy or sync?


I don’t know the difference than copy or sync,

I think, copy is copy from source to dest, no delete if change source
sync from source to dest, and delete if change source ?

That true ?


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Have you given the rclone docs a read?



rclone copy - Copy files from source to dest, skipping already copied
rclone sync - Make source and dest identical, modifying destination only.

Juste to confirm…

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Be VERY careful with sync… its easy to lose some files if you are careless…

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Yeah, sync will make your destination look like your source, so if you only have a subset of your files stored locally, you risk DELETING files stored in the remote.

If you just want to make sure new files get copied to the remote, use copy.

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I want to copy my source to dest, and delete to dest if i delete in source.

I sync to specific folder, not in /

So i think is ok to sync only source to dest and no delete another thing in ACD