Rclone is not able to complete file uploads to my BackBlaze B2 bucket. After about 50-60 minutes (consistently) the upload is abandoned and restarted, resulting in dozens of incomplete large file uploads to B2 (as viewed in my BackBlaze portal).
The latest backup attempt involved only 1 file roughly 1.11 TB in size.
Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.
rclone v1.61.1
- os/version: Microsoft Windows 10 Education 20H2 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 10.0.19042.1526 (x86_64)
- os/type: windows
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.19.4
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: cmount
Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)
BackBlaze B2
The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)
I use a service manager to automatically mount BackBlaze on Windows startup using the following command:
rclone --log-file=RCLONE_LOG.txt --transfers=16 --vfs-cache-mode full --cache-dir=D:\ --config=C:\Users\Dave\AppData\Roaming\rclone\rclone.conf mount BackBlaze: B:
The rclone config contents with secrets removed.
type = b2
account = #REDACTED#
key = #REDACTED#
A log from the command with the -vv flag
This log is a bit long. I let it run until rclone abandoned and restarted the upload. Note the runtime error at the end...
I'm happy to try a sync or copy but really want to mount long term. The mounted drive is set as the destination for my backup software. My cache drive is 2 TB (1.81 TB formatted) and used almost solely for caching, not storage.
panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:122683392] with capacity 100663296
goroutine 61 [running]:
github.com/rclone/rclone/backend/b2/upload.go:453 +0x385
Which is a bug.
The relevant logs are these
2023/01/21 15:39:52 DEBUG : Backup/6F039FE9BFB937ED-Full-January-20-2023--00-00.mrimg: size: 1.112Ti, parts: 10000, default: 96Mi, new: 117Mi; default chunk size insufficient, returned new chunk size
2023/01/21 16:31:23 DEBUG : Backup/6F039FE9BFB937ED-Full-January-20-2023--00-00.mrimg: Starting upload of large file in 9962 chunks (id "4_z84d34c99e0b5dfdf76c20b18_f20789b095f789965_d20230121_m213121_c002_v0001118_t0046_u01674336681551")
ncw@dogger:/tmp$ grep Backup/6F039FE9BFB937ED-Full-January-20-2023--00-00.mrimg b2-upload-bug.txt | grep -v RemoveNotInUse
2023/01/21 15:39:47 DEBUG : Backup/6F039FE9BFB937ED-Full-January-20-2023--00-00.mrimg: vfs cache: truncate to size=1222159055049 (not needed as size correct)
2023/01/21 15:39:47 DEBUG : Backup/6F039FE9BFB937ED-Full-January-20-2023--00-00.mrimg: vfs cache: setting modification time to 2023-01-21 00:16:52.8900445 -0500 EST
2023/01/21 15:39:47 INFO : Backup/6F039FE9BFB937ED-Full-January-20-2023--00-00.mrimg: vfs cache: queuing for upload in 5s
2023/01/21 15:39:52 DEBUG : Backup/6F039FE9BFB937ED-Full-January-20-2023--00-00.mrimg: vfs cache: starting upload
2023/01/21 15:39:52 DEBUG : Backup/6F039FE9BFB937ED-Full-January-20-2023--00-00.mrimg: size: 1.112Ti, parts: 10000, default: 96Mi, new: 117Mi; default chunk size insufficient, returned new chunk size
2023/01/21 16:31:23 DEBUG : Backup/6F039FE9BFB937ED-Full-January-20-2023--00-00.mrimg: Starting upload of large file in 9962 chunks (id "4_z84d34c99e0b5dfdf76c20b18_f20789b095f789965_d20230121_m213121_c002_v0001118_t0046_u01674336681551")
So it looks like the chunksize calculator worked out it needed a larger chunk size, but the uploader didn't allocate one.
It looks like the beta has fixed the problem! I managed to upload my entire 1.11 TB backup without issue today, on the first try. Thank you so much for the help!!