Rclone blocked on Windows

Rclone(.exe) is now blocked on corporate Windows machines through Windows security service subscription.

It seems to be due to a Trapmine scan at virustotal.com

Seems to affect at least v.1.66 - v1.68
If this is a real threat - then please fix.
If it is a false positive - maybe Trapmine should be contacted?


welcome to the forum,

this is a not a rclone bug, not a real threat.

imo, seems like a good idea; given that hackers use rclone to steal data.
in such a corporate environment, 99.9999% percent of users should not be using rclone.
easy enough to whitelist for the few machines/users that require it.

it has happened in the past that some third-party, which rclone has not control over, marks rclone as potential virus.
in the forum, has been discussed a number of times in the past.

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