Rclone Backup Sync

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

When I am backing up something with Rclone it is backing up everything. I want it to delete the items on onedrive business that I delete from my laptop

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

OneDrive Business

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone sync c:\ "Backup:Computer Backup/Rclone/C Drive" -L --copy-links --log-file=D:\Softwares\Rclone\BackupClog.txt

rclone sync d:\ "Backup:Computer Backup/Rclone/D Drive" -L --copy-links --log-file=D:\Softwares\Rclone\BackupDlog.txt

Provide all details as asked in the template than somebody will look into it.

What all details ?

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What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

Paste command here

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

Paste config here

A log from the command with the -vv flag

Paste  log here

Done added them

and what is the problem you have? describe what you are doing and what does not work as you would like

When I am backing up something with Rclone it is backing up everything. I want it to delete the items on onedrive business that I delete from my laptop

I can not guess what you mean by "I am backing up something" - what exactly you are doing?

I am trying to backup my files of my laptop to onedrive

I can not see your screen. What command are you using?

Ok now you updated it:)

So you use:

rclone sync -v c:\ "Backup:Computer Backup/Rclone/C Drive" -L --copy-links --log-level=DEBUG --log-file=D:\Softwares\Rclone\BackupDlog.txt

and what does not work?

For example - I have created a file named Test.txt. I got synced and backed up to my onedrive. Well enough good. But after that I deleted it. I didn't got deleted on the onedrive. It stayed there. I want it to sync and delete that file too on the onedrive if i deleted it from my pc

sync is the right thing to do here. For your example deleted in source Test.txt will be deleted from destination when you do another sync.

I would suggest you do not sync all C: drive - it contains a lot of stuff like temporary files etc.

I would only backup what is important e.g. your home folder

Also it is not really backup but only copy of your data. When you delete some veryImportant.doc file and then run sync - it will be also deleted at destination. No more veryImportant.doc anywhere. To run backups you should consider some proper backup software. rclone is not really it.

Please give the sync command that you are suggesting. I use rclone sync d:\ "Backup:Computer Backup/Rclone/D Drive" -L --copy-links --log-file=D:\Softwares\Rclone\BackupDlog.txt

This command does not delete the stuff on onedrive

It does delete what is needed. After you run sync your destination will be the same as source.

If you think that there is some bug here please provide example - but I am 99% sure that it works and deletes things.

BTW How do you check if something is deleted or not?

See to check if something is deleted or not I see from my pc the file that I have deleted then I check the onedrive and then see that the file still remains there. Yes I have tried again by deleting an item and it is not deleted from the onedrive

How do you check? Using web access? rclone? something else?

Do all test step by step documenting everything - so we can see where the issue is

  1. show me your file on local drive

  2. run sync

  3. show me file is in onedrive

  4. delete local file

  5. run sync

  6. show me that file is not deleted in onedrive

I am confident that sync works and you just make some mistake. To find it I have to know all details. Saying only that it does not work is not enough. I can not see your screen and what you are doing.

I can share my screen with you no issues at all. How would I show you my steps in this forum like just by screenshots ? Yes I can be also doing some mistakes I totally agree but I don't know what mistake. I will also learn from my mistake if I get to know it.

ok let's do like this. Create some local test folder with few files so less mess and then:

  1. rclone lsf D:\path\to\testFolder

  2. rclone sync d:\ "Backup:Computer Backup/Rclone/D Drive" -L --copy-links --log-file=D:\Softwares\Rclone\BackupDlog.txt

  3. rclone lsf "Backup:Computer Backup/Rclone/D Drive/path/to/testFolder"

  4. Delete some file from test folder

  5. run sync again

  6. rclone lsf "Backup:Computer Backup/Rclone/D Drive/path/to/testFolder"

copy paste results of 1,3 and 6 step