Rclone B2 sync - Post Error - method not supported

Doesn't seem to have done it.

rclone version
rclone v1.49.0-042-g89fda14a-fix-already-closed-beta
- os/arch: linux/amd64
- go version: go1.13

2019-09-12 09:13:07 INFO  : B2 bucket G-Tech: Waiting for transfers to finish
2019-09-12 09:58:56 DEBUG : Becoming client/Renders/first4.mov: Clearing upload URL because of error: incident id 60ce486519b1-71cade6cd234 (500 internal_error)
2019-09-12 09:58:56 DEBUG : pacer: low level retry 1/1 (error incident id 60ce486519b1-71cade6cd234 (500 internal_error))
2019-09-12 09:58:56 DEBUG : pacer: Rate limited, increasing sleep to 20ms
2019-09-12 09:58:56 DEBUG : Becoming client/Renders/first4.mov: Received error: incident id 60ce486519b1-71cade6cd234 (500 internal_error) - low level retry 1/10
2019-09-12 09:58:56 DEBUG : pacer: Reducing sleep to 10ms
Transferred:        4.855G / 4.855 GBytes, 100%, 1.643 MBytes/s, ETA 0s
Transferred:        4.857G / 4.857 GBytes, 100%, 1.643 MBytes/s, ETA 0s
Transferred:        5.074G / 5.074 GBytes, 100%, 1.682 MBytes/s, ETA 0s
Errors:                 0
Checks:               213 / 213, 100%
Transferred:            0 / 1, 0%
Elapsed time:    51m28.7s
 *          Becoming client/Renders/first4.mov: transferring

It didn't give the "already closed" error and it did retry successfully so it looks like it is working to me.

Those errors are expected with B2 and clients are expected to retry when they get them. The retry mechanism wasn't working properly before.

So just let it retry and hope the file gets there? I'm not trying to be sarcastic, just looking for what you'd like me to do.

The file is also 3.910GB so the reported file size seems way off, not sure if that matters.

I'll let it run and see if the file gets uploaded, as you said it could be an expected error.

It finally uploaded but I'm using version as I setup my to be production server.

rclone version
rclone v1.48.0
- os/arch: linux/amd64
- go version: go1.12.5

The 500 error from b2 is a fatal error as far as rclone is concerned.

I think it came back from b2_finish_large_file

It might be worth asking b2 support what it means incident id 60ce486519b1-a1a01ba2efa2 (500 internal_error). Maybe rclone should be continuing the upload, I'm not sure reading the docs though
as 500 errors aren't mentioned.

Once the beta checks out I'll make a point release with the fix in.

I've merged this to master now which means it will be in the latest beta in 15-30 mins and released in v1.49.3

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