What is the problem you are having with rclone?
I am trying to validate two folders, one local and one on my s3 bucket. I'm trying to automate this using the operations/check command.
Because these folders are upwards of 100 gigs, I think a size comparison would be fine.
I am trying to supply a json dict setting this, but the option does not seem to get respected because it still takes very long, even though the command is almost instant on the command line.
Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.
rclone v1.65.2
- os/version: ubuntu 22.04 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 5.15.0-105-generic (x86_64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.21.6
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: none
Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)
I send this via python, this is what it sends:
{'method': 'POST', 'url': 'url/operations/check', 'headers': {'User-Agent': 'python-requests/2.31.0', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Accept': '*/*', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': '562', 'Authorization': 'Basic Token'}, '_cookies': <RequestsCookieJar[]>, 'body': '{"srcFs": "/path-to-big-folder", "dstFs": "bucket:/path-to-big-folder", "oneWay": true, "size-only": true, "SizeOnly": true, "_main": {"SizeOnly": true, "size-only": true}, "main": {"SizeOnly": true, "size-only": true}, "config": {"SizeOnly": true, "size-only": true}, "_config": {"SizeOnly": true, "size-only": true}}', 'hooks': {'response': []}, '_body_position': None}
The rclone config contents with secrets removed.
"dlna": {
"ListenAddr": ":7879",
"FriendlyName": "",
"LogTrace": false,
"InterfaceNames": [],
"AnnounceInterval": 720000000000
"filter": {
"DeleteExcluded": false,
"FilterRule": null,
"FilterFrom": null,
"ExcludeRule": null,
"ExcludeFrom": null,
"IncludeRule": null,
"IncludeFrom": null,
"ExcludeFile": null,
"FilesFrom": null,
"FilesFromRaw": null,
"MetaRules": {
"FilterRule": null,
"FilterFrom": null,
"ExcludeRule": null,
"ExcludeFrom": null,
"IncludeRule": null,
"IncludeFrom": null
"MinAge": 9223372036854775807,
"MaxAge": 9223372036854775807,
"MinSize": -1,
"MaxSize": -1,
"IgnoreCase": false
"ftp": {
"ListenAddr": "localhost:2121",
"PublicIP": "",
"PassivePorts": "30000-32000",
"BasicUser": "anonymous",
"BasicPass": "",
"TLSCert": "",
"TLSKey": ""
"log": {
"File": "/var/log/rclone/rclone.log",
"Format": "date,time",
"UseSyslog": false,
"SyslogFacility": "DAEMON",
"LogSystemdSupport": false
"main": {
"LogLevel": "NOTICE",
"StatsLogLevel": "INFO",
"UseJSONLog": false,
"DryRun": false,
"Interactive": false,
"CheckSum": false,
"SizeOnly": false,
"IgnoreTimes": false,
"IgnoreExisting": false,
"IgnoreErrors": false,
"ModifyWindow": 1,
"Checkers": 8,
"Transfers": 4,
"ConnectTimeout": 60000000000,
"Timeout": 300000000000,
"ExpectContinueTimeout": 1000000000,
"Dump": "",
"InsecureSkipVerify": false,
"DeleteMode": 3,
"MaxDelete": -1,
"MaxDeleteSize": -1,
"TrackRenames": false,
"TrackRenamesStrategy": "hash",
"LowLevelRetries": 10,
"UpdateOlder": false,
"NoGzip": false,
"MaxDepth": -1,
"IgnoreSize": false,
"IgnoreChecksum": false,
"IgnoreCaseSync": false,
"NoTraverse": false,
"CheckFirst": false,
"NoCheckDest": false,
"NoUnicodeNormalization": false,
"NoUpdateModTime": false,
"DataRateUnit": "bytes",
"CompareDest": null,
"CopyDest": null,
"BackupDir": "",
"Suffix": "",
"SuffixKeepExtension": false,
"UseListR": false,
"BufferSize": 16777216,
"BwLimit": "",
"BwLimitFile": "",
"TPSLimit": 0,
"TPSLimitBurst": 1,
"BindAddr": "",
"DisableFeatures": null,
"UserAgent": "rclone/v1.65.2",
"Immutable": false,
"AutoConfirm": false,
"StreamingUploadCutoff": 102400,
"StatsFileNameLength": 45,
"AskPassword": true,
"PasswordCommand": null,
"UseServerModTime": false,
"MaxTransfer": -1,
"MaxDuration": 0,
"CutoffMode": "HARD",
"MaxBacklog": 10000,
"MaxStatsGroups": 1000,
"StatsOneLine": false,
"StatsOneLineDate": false,
"StatsOneLineDateFormat": "",
"ErrorOnNoTransfer": false,
"Progress": false,
"ProgressTerminalTitle": false,
"Cookie": false,
"UseMmap": false,
"CaCert": null,
"ClientCert": "",
"ClientKey": "",
"MultiThreadCutoff": 268435456,
"MultiThreadStreams": 4,
"MultiThreadSet": false,
"MultiThreadChunkSize": 67108864,
"MultiThreadWriteBufferSize": 131072,
"OrderBy": "",
"UploadHeaders": null,
"DownloadHeaders": null,
"Headers": null,
"MetadataSet": null,
"RefreshTimes": false,
"NoConsole": false,
"TrafficClass": 0,
"FsCacheExpireDuration": 300000000000,
"FsCacheExpireInterval": 60000000000,
"DisableHTTP2": false,
"HumanReadable": false,
"KvLockTime": 1000000000,
"DisableHTTPKeepAlives": false,
"Metadata": false,
"ServerSideAcrossConfigs": false,
"TerminalColorMode": "AUTO",
"DefaultTime": "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Inplace": false,
"PartialSuffix": ".partial",
"MetadataMapper": null
"mount": {
"DebugFUSE": false,
"AllowNonEmpty": false,
"AllowRoot": false,
"AllowOther": false,
"DefaultPermissions": false,
"WritebackCache": false,
"Daemon": false,
"DaemonWait": 60000000000,
"MaxReadAhead": 131072,
"ExtraOptions": [],
"ExtraFlags": [],
"AttrTimeout": 1000000000,
"DeviceName": "",
"VolumeName": "",
"NoAppleDouble": true,
"NoAppleXattr": false,
"DaemonTimeout": 0,
"AsyncRead": true,
"NetworkMode": false,
"CaseInsensitive": null
"nfs": {
"ListenAddr": ""
"rc": {
"HTTP": {
"ListenAddr": [
"BaseURL": "",
"ServerReadTimeout": 3600000000000,
"ServerWriteTimeout": 3600000000000,
"MaxHeaderBytes": 4096,
"TLSCert": "",
"TLSKey": "",
"TLSCertBody": null,
"TLSKeyBody": null,
"ClientCA": "",
"MinTLSVersion": "tls1.0",
"AllowOrigin": ""
"Auth": {
"HtPasswd": "",
"Realm": "",
"Template": {
"Path": ""
"Enabled": true,
"Serve": true,
"Files": "",
"NoAuth": false,
"WebUI": true,
"WebGUIUpdate": false,
"WebGUIForceUpdate": false,
"WebGUINoOpenBrowser": false,
"WebGUIFetchURL": "https://api.github.com/repos/rclone/rclone-webui-react/releases/latest",
"EnableMetrics": true,
"JobExpireDuration": 300000000000,
"JobExpireInterval": 10000000000
"sftp": {
"ListenAddr": "localhost:2022",
"HostKeys": null,
"AuthorizedKeys": "~/.ssh/authorized_keys",
"User": "",
"Pass": "",
"NoAuth": false,
"Stdio": false
"vfs": {
"NoSeek": false,
"NoChecksum": false,
"ReadOnly": false,
"NoModTime": false,
"DirCacheTime": 300000000000,
"Refresh": false,
"PollInterval": 60000000000,
"Umask": 18,
"UID": 0,
"GID": 0,
"DirPerms": 511,
"FilePerms": 438,
"ChunkSize": 134217728,
"ChunkSizeLimit": -1,
"CacheMode": "off",
"CacheMaxAge": 3600000000000,
"CacheMaxSize": -1,
"CacheMinFreeSpace": -1,
"CachePollInterval": 60000000000,
"CaseInsensitive": false,
"WriteWait": 1000000000,
"ReadWait": 20000000,
"WriteBack": 5000000000,
"ReadAhead": 0,
"UsedIsSize": false,
"FastFingerprint": false,
"DiskSpaceTotalSize": -1
A log from the command with the -vv
Not possible afaik