Rclone and google photos

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Google Photos show as text files after completing the steps in Google Photos

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Photos

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone mount --daemon --vfs-cache-mode full Google_Photos: ~/Google_Photos

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

type = webdav
url = https://tmccon.thegood.cloud/remote.php/dav/files/tmick1/
vendor = nextcloud
user = tmick1

type = drive
client_id = 808363842656-u5fn0damdber0o48ll90tqmsnim9aj1c.apps.googleusercontent.com
scope = drive
root_folder_id = Computers-Debian

rclone config show
type = onedrive
drive_type = personal

type = google photos

A log from the command with the -vv flag

when I view the mounted drive I see this:

Is there another API I need to add from Google?

hello and welcome to the forum,

what is the full output of rclone version?

and what about simple command such as rclone copy, does that work as expected.
or is the issue only with rclone mount?

can you post a debug log that demonstrates the problem?

as per the docs when using rclone mount with gphotos

Google photos doesn't work very well under rclone mount.

Checkout this bit of the docs: Google Photos

okay so I did the following:

  1. Created an API (like in the drive instructions) and named it photo-rclone.
  2. Deleted my current Google Photos and redid it with the Client ID & Secret for that API
    Now I get this when I use the sync command:
rclone sync -i --dry-run Google_Photos: ~/Google_Photos 
2022/04/13 18:42:55 ERROR : upload: error reading source directory: directory not found
2022/04/13 19:09:07 ERROR : media/by-day/2013/2013-07-11: error reading destination directory: failed to read directory entry: readdirent /home/tmick/Google_Photos/media/by-day/2013/2013-07-11: input/output error
2022/04/13 19:11:43 ERROR : media/by-day/2018/2018-07-06: error reading source directory: couldn't list files: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'All requests' and limit 'All requests per day' of service 'photoslibrary.googleapis.com' for consumer 'project_number:808363842656'. (429 RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED)
2022/04/13 19:11:43 ERROR : media/by-day/2016/2016-07-07: error reading source directory: couldn't list files: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'All requests' and limit 'All requests per day' of service 'photoslibrary.googleapis.com' for consumer 'project_number:808363842656'. (429 RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED)
2022/04/13 19:15:16 ERROR : media/by-day/2002/2002-07-20: error reading destination directory: failed to read directory entry: readdirent /home/tmick/Google_Photos/media/by-day/2002/2002-07-20: input/output error
2022/04/13 19:27:37 ERROR : media/by-day/2010/2010-07-14: error reading destination directory: failed to read directory entry: readdirent /home/tmick/Google_Photos/media/by-day/2010/2010-07-14: input/output error
2022/04/13 19:27:54 ERROR : media/by-day/2011/2011-07-13: error reading source directory: couldn't list files: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'All requests' and limit 'All requests per day' of service 'photoslibrary.googleapis.com' for consumer 'project_number:808363842656'. (429 RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED)
2022/04/13 19:28:44 ERROR : media/by-day/2008/2008-07-15: error reading destination directory: failed to read directory entry: readdirent /home/tmick/Google_Photos/media/by-day/2008/2008-07-15: input/output error
2022/04/13 19:29:34 ERROR : media/by-day/2006/2006-07-18: error reading destination directory: failed to read directory entry: readdirent /home/tmick/Google_Photos/media/by-day/2006/2006-07-18: input/output error
2022/04/13 19:32:02 ERROR : media/by-day/2007/2007-07-17: error reading destination directory: failed to read directory entry: readdirent /home/tmick/Google_Photos/media/by-day/2007/2007-07-17: input/output error

This means you've run out of API transactions for the day.

Google are very stingy with the transactions by default.

That's interesting, I was using the API I created with my own Client ID & Secret.
If I use the one that is in default then I get the photos as a text file. But it does mount the folder.

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