Rclone 1.43.1 Windows VFS Speeds

Hi all,

This might be a long one.

I have been playing around with rclone on windows and it’s new features mainly VFS.
I have setup an rclone vfs with the following.

rclone mount drive: x:
–config C:\rclone\rclone.conf
–vfs-cache-mode writes
–dir-cache-time 48h
–vfs-read-chunk-size 128M
–vfs-read-chunk-size-limit 2G
–buffer-size 256M
–log-level INFO
–log-file C:\logs\rclonemount.txt

My rclone config

type = drive
client_id = xx
client_secret = xx
scope = drive
token = {“x”}

I have been doing various testing with vfs and buffer sizes. I am getting different speeds and can never get plex to remote stream higher than 30mbps.

On a Ubuntu 18.04 with rclone and plex installed I can hit almost 60mbps.

Anyone care to shed some light?


The windows WinFSP and linux FUSE implementation are quite different so I’m not suprised there are performance differences.

Is this on the same hardware/network ubuntu vs windows?

Yep same specs 8 cores 8 gigs of ram same drive same network.

I have swapped back to plexdrive on linux.

I would not mind running some tests for you if that would help.

I suspect it is FUSE vs WinFSP so you could have a go at testing that…

So make an rclone mount of a local directory rclone mount /path/to/dir /path/to/mount or rclone mount c:\path\to\dir Q: and then do a speed test on the mounted drives. Maybe see how long it takes to copy a big file in each or something like that. Or maybe you can find a cross platform speed test for a mounted drive?