RC operations/size times out after 5 minutes

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Running an RC operation to check the size of a remote times out after 5 minutes. The documentation claims that --rc-server-read-timeout and --rc-server-write-timeout are set to an hour by default, and no other timeouts appear to be set to 5 minutes except for --timeout, which I bumped to an hour with no effect.

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

rclone v1.56.0-DEV
- os/version: alpine 3.14.2 (64 bit)
- os/kernel: 5.4.0-77-generic (x86_64)
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.16.8
- go/linking: dynamic
- go/tags: none

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

Google Drive (+ Union)

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)


/usr/sbin/rclone mount \
--fast-list  \
--allow-other  \
--allow-non-empty  \
--umask 000  \
--uid 65534  \
--gid 65534 -vv  \
--checkers 12  \
--buffer-size 16M  \
--transfers 12  \
--use-mmap  \
--vfs-cache-mode writes  \
--poll-interval 120s  \
--attr-timeout 8700h  \
--dir-cache-time 8760h  \
--vfs-read-chunk-size 1M  \
--vfs-read-chunk-size-limit 4G  \
--vfs-cache-poll-interval 20m  \
--vfs-cache-max-age 168h  \
--vfs-cache-max-size 50G  \
--cache-dir=/shared/caches/rclone_vfs/  \
--low-level-retries 3  \
--timeout 1h \
--multi-thread-cutoff 25M  \
--multi-thread-streams 8  \
--no-update-modtime  \
--rc-addr=  \
--drive-service-account-file /service_accounts/rclone_mount_download.json  \
--rc-user admin \
--rc-pass admin \
--rc-web-gui  \
--rc-serve  \
--rc-enable-metrics  \
--rc-web-gui-no-open-browser  \
--rc union: /shared/merged

RC command:

bash-5.1# time rclone rc --rc-user admin --rc-pass admin operations/size fs=union:
2021/09/14 01:02:23 Failed to rc: connection failed: Post "http://localhost:5572/operations/size": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers

real    5m0.110s
user    0m0.086s
sys     0m0.009s

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

bash-5.1# cat /root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf

type = drive
scope = drive
use_trash = false
server_side_across_configs = true
chunk_size = 128M
acknowledge_abuse = true
pacer_min_sleep = 1ms
pacer_burst = 5000
team_drive = 0AHh2SzlzsBRZUk9PVA

type = cache
info_age = 8700h
chunk_total_size = 10G
remote = gdrive_0:/encrypted
workers = 12
tmp_upload_path = /shared/caches/gcache_0/tmp_upload_path/
db_path = /shared/caches/gcache_0/db_path/
chunk_path = /shared/caches/gcache_0/chunk_path/

type = crypt
remote = gdrive_0:/encrypted
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = xxx
password2 = xxx

type = crypt
remote = gcache_0:/
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = xxx
password2 = xxx

type = drive
scope = drive
use_trash = false
server_side_across_configs = true
chunk_size = 128M
acknowledge_abuse = true
pacer_min_sleep = 1ms
pacer_burst = 5000
team_drive = 0ANgQ0ugFoow9Uk9PVA

type = cache
info_age = 8700h
chunk_total_size = 10G
remote = gdrive_1:/encrypted
workers = 12
tmp_upload_path = /shared/caches/gcache_1/tmp_upload_path/
db_path = /shared/caches/gcache_1/db_path/
chunk_path = /shared/caches/gcache_1/chunk_path/

type = crypt
remote = gdrive_1:/encrypted
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = xxx
password2 = xxx

type = crypt
remote = gcache_1:/
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = xxx
password2 = xxx

type = drive
scope = drive
use_trash = false
server_side_across_configs = true
chunk_size = 128M
acknowledge_abuse = true
pacer_min_sleep = 1ms
pacer_burst = 5000
team_drive = 0AK-b1kSNoXChUk9PVA

type = cache
info_age = 8700h
chunk_total_size = 10G
remote = gdrive_2:/encrypted
workers = 12
tmp_upload_path = /shared/caches/gcache_2/tmp_upload_path/
db_path = /shared/caches/gcache_2/db_path/
chunk_path = /shared/caches/gcache_2/chunk_path/

type = crypt
remote = gdrive_2:/encrypted
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = xxx
password2 = xxx

type = crypt
remote = gcache_2:/
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = xxx
password2 = xxx

type = drive
scope = drive
use_trash = false
server_side_across_configs = true
chunk_size = 128M
acknowledge_abuse = true
pacer_min_sleep = 1ms
pacer_burst = 5000
team_drive = 0AHHTvsOJQ-q1Uk9PVA

type = cache
info_age = 8700h
chunk_total_size = 10G
remote = gdrive_3:/encrypted
workers = 12
tmp_upload_path = /shared/caches/gcache_3/tmp_upload_path/
db_path = /shared/caches/gcache_3/db_path/
chunk_path = /shared/caches/gcache_3/chunk_path/

type = crypt
remote = gdrive_3:/encrypted
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = xxx
password2 = xxx

type = crypt
remote = gcache_3:/
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = xxx
password2 = xxx

type = drive
scope = drive
use_trash = false
server_side_across_configs = true
chunk_size = 128M
acknowledge_abuse = true
pacer_min_sleep = 1ms
pacer_burst = 5000
team_drive = 0AIkq1FUm_1DnUk9PVA

type = cache
info_age = 8700h
chunk_total_size = 10G
remote = gdrive_4:/encrypted
workers = 12
tmp_upload_path = /shared/caches/gcache_4/tmp_upload_path/
db_path = /shared/caches/gcache_4/db_path/
chunk_path = /shared/caches/gcache_4/chunk_path/

type = crypt
remote = gdrive_4:/encrypted
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = xxx
password2 = xxx

type = crypt
remote = gcache_4:/
filename_encryption = standard
directory_name_encryption = true
password = xxx
password2 = xxx

type = union
upstreams = /shared/separate/ gdrive_mount_crypt_0:/:nc gdrive_mount_crypt_1:/:nc gdrive_mount_crypt_2:/:nc gdrive_mount_crypt_3:/:nc gdrive_mount_crypt_4:/:nc
action_policy = epall
create_policy = ff
search_policy = f

A log from the command with the -vv flag

rclone_1    | [s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
rclone_1    | [s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
rclone_1    | [fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
rclone_1    | [fix-attrs.d] done.
rclone_1    | [cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
rclone_1    | [cont-init.d] 20-init: executing...
rclone_1    | [cont-init.d] 20-init: exited 0.
rclone_1    | [cont-init.d] done.
rclone_1    | [services.d] starting services
rclone_1    | [services.d] done.
rclone_1    | [services.d] [rclone-mount]-run: starting rclone mount 2021.09.14-00:57:06
rclone_1    |   /usr/sbin/rclone mount --fast-list --allow-other --allow-non-empty --umask 000 --uid 65534 --gid 65534 -vv --timeout 1h --checkers 12 --buffer-size 16M --transfers 12 --use-mmap --vfs-cache-mode writes --poll-interval 120s --attr-timeout 8700h --dir-cache-time 8760h --vfs-read-chunk-size 1M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit 4G --vfs-cache-poll-interval 20m --vfs-cache-max-age 168h --vfs-cache-max-size 50G --cache-dir=/shared/caches/rclone_vfs/ --low-level-retries 3 --multi-thread-cutoff 25M --multi-thread-streams 8 --no-update-modtime --rc-addr= --drive-service-account-file /service_accounts/rclone_mount_download.json --rc-user admin --rc-pass admin --rc-web-gui --rc-serve --rc-enable-metrics --rc-web-gui-no-open-browser --rc union: /shared/merged
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.56.0-DEV" starting with parameters ["/usr/sbin/rclone" "mount" "--fast-list" "--allow-other" "--allow-non-empty" "--umask" "000" "--uid" "65534" "--gid" "65534" "-vv" "--timeout" "1h" "--checkers" "12" "--buffer-size" "16M" "--transfers" "12" "--use-mmap" "--vfs-cache-mode" "writes" "--poll-interval" "120s" "--attr-timeout" "8700h" "--dir-cache-time" "8760h" "--vfs-read-chunk-size" "1M" "--vfs-read-chunk-size-limit" "4G" "--vfs-cache-poll-interval" "20m" "--vfs-cache-max-age" "168h" "--vfs-cache-max-size" "50G" "--cache-dir=/shared/caches/rclone_vfs/" "--low-level-retries" "3" "--multi-thread-cutoff" "25M" "--multi-thread-streams" "8" "--no-update-modtime" "--rc-addr=" "--drive-service-account-file" "/service_accounts/rclone_mount_download.json" "--rc-user" "admin" "--rc-pass" "admin" "--rc-web-gui" "--rc-serve" "--rc-enable-metrics" "--rc-web-gui-no-open-browser" "--rc" "union:" "/shared/merged"]
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Current tag: v2.0.5, Release tag: v2.0.5
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 NOTICE: Web GUI exists. Update skipped.
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 NOTICE: Serving Web GUI
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 INFO  : Using --user admin --pass XXXX as authenticated user
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 NOTICE: Serving remote control on
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : login_token "xxx"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 NOTICE: Web GUI is not automatically opening browser. Navigate to http://admin:admin@ to use.
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "union:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Using config file from "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_mount_crypt_4:/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_mount_crypt_1:/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_mount_crypt_2:/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_mount_crypt_3:/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_mount_crypt_0:/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/shared/separate/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/shared/separate"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gcache_4:/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 NOTICE: WARNING: Cache backend is deprecated and may be removed in future. Please use VFS instead.
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gcache_0:/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_4:/encrypted"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : gdrive_4: detected overridden config - adding "{7Vdjy}" suffix to name
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_0:/encrypted"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : gdrive_0: detected overridden config - adding "{7Vdjy}" suffix to name
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gcache_2:/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_2:/encrypted"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gcache_1:/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : gdrive_2: detected overridden config - adding "{7Vdjy}" suffix to name
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_1:/encrypted"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : gdrive_1: detected overridden config - adding "{7Vdjy}" suffix to name
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gcache_3:/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_3:/encrypted"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:06 DEBUG : gdrive_3: detected overridden config - adding "{7Vdjy}" suffix to name
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "gdrive_0:/encrypted" to be canonical "gdrive_0{7Vdjy}:encrypted"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : gcache_0: wrapped gdrive_0{7Vdjy}:encrypted at root
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "gdrive_2:/encrypted" to be canonical "gdrive_2{7Vdjy}:encrypted"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : gcache_2: wrapped gdrive_2{7Vdjy}:encrypted at root
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_2: Cache DB path: /shared/caches/gcache_2/db_path/gcache_2.db
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_2: Cache chunk path: /shared/caches/gcache_2/chunk_path/gcache_2
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_0: Cache DB path: /shared/caches/gcache_0/db_path/gcache_0.db
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_0: Cache chunk path: /shared/caches/gcache_0/chunk_path/gcache_0
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "gdrive_1:/encrypted" to be canonical "gdrive_1{7Vdjy}:encrypted"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : gcache_1: wrapped gdrive_1{7Vdjy}:encrypted at root
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_1: Cache DB path: /shared/caches/gcache_1/db_path/gcache_1.db
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_1: Cache chunk path: /shared/caches/gcache_1/chunk_path/gcache_1
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_2: Chunk Memory: true
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_2: Chunk Size: 5Mi
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_2: Chunk Total Size: 10Gi
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_2: Chunk Clean Interval: 1m0s
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_2: Workers: 12
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_2: File Age: 12.083333333333334M
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/shared/caches/gcache_2/tmp_upload_path/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_1: Chunk Memory: true
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_1: Chunk Size: 5Mi
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_1: Chunk Total Size: 10Gi
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_1: Chunk Clean Interval: 1m0s
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_1: Workers: 12
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_1: File Age: 12.083333333333334M
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/shared/caches/gcache_1/tmp_upload_path/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_1: Upload Temp Rest Time: 15s
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_1: Upload Temp FS: /shared/caches/gcache_1/tmp_upload_path/
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_2: Upload Temp Rest Time: 15s
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_2: Upload Temp FS: /shared/caches/gcache_2/tmp_upload_path/
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "gcache_2:/" to be canonical "gcache_2:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "gcache_2:/" for canonical name "gcache_2:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_mount_crypt_2:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "gcache_1:/" to be canonical "gcache_1:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "gcache_1:/" for canonical name "gcache_1:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_mount_crypt_1:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_0: Chunk Memory: true
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_0: Chunk Size: 5Mi
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_0: Chunk Total Size: 10Gi
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_0: Chunk Clean Interval: 1m0s
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_0: Workers: 12
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_0: File Age: 12.083333333333334M
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/shared/caches/gcache_0/tmp_upload_path/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_0: Upload Temp Rest Time: 15s
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_0: Upload Temp FS: /shared/caches/gcache_0/tmp_upload_path/
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "gcache_0:/" to be canonical "gcache_0:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "gcache_0:/" for canonical name "gcache_0:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_mount_crypt_0:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "gcache_2:/" for canonical name "gcache_2:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "gdrive_4:/encrypted" to be canonical "gdrive_4{7Vdjy}:encrypted"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "gdrive_3:/encrypted" to be canonical "gdrive_3{7Vdjy}:encrypted"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : gcache_4: wrapped gdrive_4{7Vdjy}:encrypted at root
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : gcache_3: wrapped gdrive_3{7Vdjy}:encrypted at root
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_4: Cache DB path: /shared/caches/gcache_4/db_path/gcache_4.db
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_4: Cache chunk path: /shared/caches/gcache_4/chunk_path/gcache_4
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_3: Cache DB path: /shared/caches/gcache_3/db_path/gcache_3.db
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_3: Cache chunk path: /shared/caches/gcache_3/chunk_path/gcache_3
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "gcache_1:/" for canonical name "gcache_1:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_4: Chunk Memory: true
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_4: Chunk Size: 5Mi
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_4: Chunk Total Size: 10Gi
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_4: Chunk Clean Interval: 1m0s
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_4: Workers: 12
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_4: File Age: 12.083333333333334M
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/shared/caches/gcache_4/tmp_upload_path/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_3: Chunk Memory: true
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_3: Chunk Size: 5Mi
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_3: Chunk Total Size: 10Gi
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_3: Chunk Clean Interval: 1m0s
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_3: Workers: 12
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_3: File Age: 12.083333333333334M
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/shared/caches/gcache_3/tmp_upload_path/"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_3: Upload Temp Rest Time: 15s
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_3: Upload Temp FS: /shared/caches/gcache_3/tmp_upload_path/
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_4: Upload Temp Rest Time: 15s
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : gcache_4: Upload Temp FS: /shared/caches/gcache_4/tmp_upload_path/
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "gcache_3:/" to be canonical "gcache_3:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: renaming cache item "gcache_4:/" to be canonical "gcache_4:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "gcache_4:/" for canonical name "gcache_4:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_mount_crypt_4:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "gcache_3:/" for canonical name "gcache_3:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "gdrive_mount_crypt_3:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "gcache_0:/" for canonical name "gcache_0:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "gcache_3:/" for canonical name "gcache_3:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : fs cache: switching user supplied name "gcache_4:/" for canonical name "gcache_4:"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : union root '': actionPolicy = *policy.EpAll, createPolicy = *policy.FF, searchPolicy = *policy.FF
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : union root '': poll-interval is not supported by this remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : vfs cache: root is "/shared/caches/rclone_vfs/vfs/union"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : vfs cache: metadata root is "/shared/caches/rclone_vfs/vfs/union"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : Creating backend with remote "/shared/caches/rclone_vfs/vfs/union"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : union root '': Mounting on "/shared/merged"
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 INFO  : vfs cache: cleaned: objects 0 (was 0) in use 0, to upload 0, uploading 0, total size 0 (was 0)
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : : Root:
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:07 DEBUG : : >Root: node=/, err=<nil>
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:23 DEBUG : rc: "operations/size": with parameters map[fs:union:]
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:23 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_4:: list recursively from ''
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:23 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_0:: list recursively from ''
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:23 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_2:: list recursively from ''
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:23 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_3:: list recursively from ''
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:23 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_1:: list recursively from ''
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:24 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Disabling ListR to work around bug in drive as multi listing (22) returned no entries
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:24 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Recycled 22 entries
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:57:25 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Re-enabling ListR as previous detection was in error
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:58:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_1:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:58:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_2:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:58:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_0:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:58:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_4:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:58:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_3:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:58:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:58:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:58:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:58:07 INFO  :
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:58:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:58:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:59:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_2:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:59:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_4:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:59:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_3:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:59:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:59:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:59:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_0:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:59:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:59:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_1:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:59:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 00:59:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:00:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_2:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:00:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_4:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:00:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_3:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:00:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:00:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:00:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:00:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_0:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:00:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_1:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:00:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:00:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:01:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_2:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:01:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_4:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:01:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_3:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:01:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:01:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:01:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:01:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_0:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:01:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_1:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:01:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:01:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_2:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_4:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_3:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_0:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_1:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:23 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Disabling ListR to work around bug in drive as multi listing (50) returned no entries
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:23 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Recycled 48 entries
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:23 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Recycled 50 entries
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:23 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Recycled 50 entries
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:23 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Recycled 50 entries
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:23 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Recycled 50 entries
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:23 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Recycled 50 entries
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:23 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Recycled 50 entries
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:23 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Recycled 50 entries
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:23 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Recycled 50 entries
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:23 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Recycled 50 entries
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:29 DEBUG : Media/TV/South Park/Season 16/South Park - S16E14 - Obama Wins!-thumb.jpg: Bad size for decrypt: file is too short to be encrypted
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:29 DEBUG : Media/TV/South Park/Season 16/South Park - S16E14 - Obama Wins!.nfo: Bad size for decrypt: file is too short to be encrypted
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:29 DEBUG : rc: "operations/size": reply map[bytes:124588889908886 count:448080]: <nil>
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:03:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_2:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:03:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_4:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:03:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_3:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:03:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:03:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:03:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:03:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_0:: starting cleanup
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:03:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:03:07 DEBUG : Google drive root 'encrypted': Checking for changes on remote
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:03:07 DEBUG : Cache remote gcache_1:: starting cleanup

Is this caused by a certain file being broken?

rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:29 DEBUG : Media/TV/South Park/Season 16/South Park - S16E14 - Obama Wins!-thumb.jpg: Bad size for decrypt: file is too short to be encrypted
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:29 DEBUG : Media/TV/South Park/Season 16/South Park - S16E14 - Obama Wins!.nfo: Bad size for decrypt: file is too short to be encrypted
rclone_1    | 2021/09/14 01:02:29 DEBUG : rc: "operations/size": reply map[bytes:124588889908886 count:448080]: <nil>

Nevermind! Adding --timeout 1h to the RC command fixes it:

bash-5.1# time rclone rc -vv --timeout 1h --rc-user admin --rc-pass admin operations/size fs=union:
2021/09/14 01:13:21 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.56.0-DEV" starting with parameters ["rclone" "rc" "-vv" "--timeout" "1h" "--rc-user" "admin" "--rc-pass" "admin" "operations/size" "fs=union:"]
        "bytes": 163492706227856,
        "count": 578486
2021/09/14 01:22:26 DEBUG : 4 go routines active

real    9m4.566s
user    0m0.097s
sys     0m0.031s

This is the HTTP transaction for the rc command timing out as you've discovered.

You might also want to investigate running async jobs

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