Question regarding Onedrive login errors

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

Can't get Onedrive to authenticate with 2-factor authentication disabled. This happens in windows and Linux. Happening WITH 2FA as well now.

2 of my accounts work fine. The third is giving me this error:

Failed to query available drives: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "{"error":{"code":"accessDenied","message":"Access denied","innerError":{"date":"2023-06-01T03:15:04","request-id":"76872a43-fae8-4ac3-902d-096cbeee92c1","client-request-id":"76872a43-fae8-4ac3-902d-096cbeee92c1"}}}"

If I use the GUI config tool I get this error:

Error creating config. Error: Request failed with status code 500

Run the command 'rclone version' and share the full output of the command.

rclone v1.62.2

  • os/version: linuxmint 21.1 (64 bit)
  • os/kernel: 5.15.0-70-generic (x86_64)
  • os/type: linux
  • os/arch: amd64
  • go/version: go1.20.2
  • go/linking: static
  • go/tags: none

Are you on the latest version of rclone? You can validate by checking the version listed here: Rclone downloads
--> YES

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)


The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone config

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

Paste config here

A log from the command with the -vv flag

C:\Users\sarah>rclone -vv config
2023/05/31 23:18:35 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.62.2" starting with parameters ["rclone" "-vv" "config"]
2023/05/31 23:18:35 DEBUG : Using config file from "C:\\Users\\sarah\\AppData\\Roaming\\rclone\\rclone.conf"
Current remotes:

Name                 Type
====                 ====
Backblaze            b2
Onedrive-dking       onedrive
S21                  smb
ann                  onedrive
onedrive-sarah       onedrive
s21sftp              sftp

e) Edit existing remote
n) New remote
d) Delete remote
r) Rename remote
c) Copy remote
s) Set configuration password
q) Quit config
e/n/d/r/c/s/q> e

Select remote.
Choose a number from below, or type in an existing value.
 1 > Backblaze
 2 > Onedrive-dking
 3 > S21
 4 > ann
 5 > onedrive-sarah
 6 > s21sftp
remote> 4

Editing existing "ann" remote with options:
- type: onedrive

2023/05/31 23:18:56 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all", result=""
2023/05/31 23:18:56 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all-set,0,false Option: OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:18:56 DEBUG : ann: config: reading config parameter "client_id"
Option client_id.
OAuth Client Id.
Leave blank normally.
Enter a value. Press Enter to leave empty.

2023/05/31 23:19:10 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all-set,0,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:10 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,1,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:10 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,1,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:10 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all-set,1,false Option: OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:10 DEBUG : ann: config: reading config parameter "client_secret"
Option client_secret.
OAuth Client Secret.
Leave blank normally.
Enter a value. Press Enter to leave empty.

2023/05/31 23:19:12 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all-set,1,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:12 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,2,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:12 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,2,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:12 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,3,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:12 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,3,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:12 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,4,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:12 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,4,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:12 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,5,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:12 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,5,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:12 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all-set,5,false Option:global OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:12 DEBUG : ann: config: reading config parameter "region"
Option region.
Choose national cloud region for OneDrive.
Choose a number from below, or type in your own string value.
Press Enter for the default (global).
 1 / Microsoft Cloud Global
   \ (global)
 2 / Microsoft Cloud for US Government
   \ (us)
 3 / Microsoft Cloud Germany
   \ (de)
 4 / Azure and Office 365 operated by Vnet Group in China
   \ (cn)

2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all-set,5,false", result="global"
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,6,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,6,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,7,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,7,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,8,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,8,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,9,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,9,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,10,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,10,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,11,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,11,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,12,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,12,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,13,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,13,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,14,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,14,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,15,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,15,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,16,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,16,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,17,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,17,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,18,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,18,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,19,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,19,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,20,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,20,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all,21,false Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all,21,false", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*all-advanced Option:false OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:14 DEBUG : ann: config: reading config parameter "config_fs_advanced"
Edit advanced config?
y) Yes
n) No (default)

2023/05/31 23:19:26 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*all-advanced", result="false"
2023/05/31 23:19:26 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*postconfig Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:26 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*postconfig", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:26 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:26 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*oauth,choose_type,, Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:26 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*oauth,choose_type,, Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:26 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*oauth,choose_type,,", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:26 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*oauth-confirm,choose_type,, Option:true OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:26 DEBUG : ann: config: reading config parameter "config_refresh_token"
Already have a token - refresh?
y) Yes (default)
n) No

2023/05/31 23:19:29 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*oauth-confirm,choose_type,,", result="true"
2023/05/31 23:19:29 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*oauth-islocal,choose_type,, Option:true OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:29 DEBUG : ann: config: reading config parameter "config_is_local"
Use web browser to automatically authenticate rclone with remote?
 * Say Y if the machine running rclone has a web browser you can use
 * Say N if running rclone on a (remote) machine without web browser access
If not sure try Y. If Y failed, try N.

y) Yes (default)
n) No

2023/05/31 23:19:31 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*oauth-islocal,choose_type,,", result="true"
2023/05/31 23:19:31 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*oauth-do,choose_type,, Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:31 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*oauth-do,choose_type,,", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:31 DEBUG : Starting auth server on
2023/05/31 23:19:31 NOTICE: If your browser doesn't open automatically go to the following link:
2023/05/31 23:19:31 NOTICE: Log in and authorize rclone for access
2023/05/31 23:19:31 NOTICE: Waiting for code...
2023/05/31 23:19:32 DEBUG : Redirecting browser to:
2023/05/31 23:19:45 DEBUG : Received GET request on auth server to "/"
2023/05/31 23:19:45 NOTICE: Got code
2023/05/31 23:19:45 DEBUG : Closing auth server
2023/05/31 23:19:45 DEBUG : Closed auth server with error: accept tcp use of closed network connection
2023/05/31 23:19:46 DEBUG : Saving config "token" in section "ann" of the config file
2023/05/31 23:19:46 DEBUG : Keeping previous permissions for config file: -rw-rw-rw-
2023/05/31 23:19:46 DEBUG : ann: Saved new token in config file
2023/05/31 23:19:46 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:*oauth-done,choose_type,, Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:46 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="*oauth-done,choose_type,,", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:46 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:choose_type Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:46 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="choose_type", result=""
2023/05/31 23:19:46 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:choose_type_done Option:onedrive OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:19:46 DEBUG : ann: config: reading config parameter "config_type"
Option config_type.
Type of connection
Choose a number from below, or type in an existing string value.
Press Enter for the default (onedrive).
 1 / OneDrive Personal or Business
   \ (onedrive)
 2 / Root Sharepoint site
   \ (sharepoint)
   / Sharepoint site name or URL
 3 | E.g. mysite or
   \ (url)
 4 / Search for a Sharepoint site
   \ (search)
 5 / Type in driveID (advanced)
   \ (driveid)
 6 / Type in SiteID (advanced)
   \ (siteid)
   / Sharepoint server-relative path (advanced)
 7 | E.g. /teams/hr
   \ (path)

2023/05/31 23:20:40 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="choose_type_done", result="onedrive"
2023/05/31 23:20:40 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:onedrive Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:20:40 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="onedrive", result=""
2023/05/31 23:20:41 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:choose_type Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error:Failed to query available drives: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"accessDenied\",\"message\":\"Access denied\",\"innerError\":{\"date\":\"2023-06-01T03:20:54\",\"request-id\":\"747428f0-2377-4efd-b862-f9456cd0b733\",\"client-request-id\":\"747428f0-2377-4efd-b862-f9456cd0b733\"}}}" Result:}, err=<nil>
Failed to query available drives: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"accessDenied\",\"message\":\"Access denied\",\"innerError\":{\"date\":\"2023-06-01T03:20:54\",\"request-id\":\"747428f0-2377-4efd-b862-f9456cd0b733\",\"client-request-id\":\"747428f0-2377-4efd-b862-f9456cd0b733\"}}}"

2023/05/31 23:20:41 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="choose_type", result=""
2023/05/31 23:20:41 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:choose_type_done Option:onedrive OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:20:41 DEBUG : ann: config: reading config parameter "config_type"
Option config_type.
Type of connection
Choose a number from below, or type in an existing string value.
Press Enter for the default (onedrive).
 1 / OneDrive Personal or Business
   \ (onedrive)
 2 / Root Sharepoint site
   \ (sharepoint)
   / Sharepoint site name or URL
 3 | E.g. mysite or
   \ (url)
 4 / Search for a Sharepoint site
   \ (search)
 5 / Type in driveID (advanced)
   \ (driveid)
 6 / Type in SiteID (advanced)
   \ (siteid)
   / Sharepoint server-relative path (advanced)
 7 | E.g. /teams/hr
   \ (path)

2023/05/31 23:21:28 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="choose_type_done", result="onedrive"
2023/05/31 23:21:28 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:onedrive Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:21:28 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="onedrive", result=""
2023/05/31 23:21:28 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:choose_type Option:<nil> OAuth:<nil> Error:Failed to query available drives: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"accessDenied\",\"message\":\"Access denied\",\"innerError\":{\"date\":\"2023-06-01T03:21:41\",\"request-id\":\"fac246e5-b7ef-4e44-a735-779b05657919\",\"client-request-id\":\"fac246e5-b7ef-4e44-a735-779b05657919\"}}}" Result:}, err=<nil>
Failed to query available drives: HTTP error 403 (403 Forbidden) returned body: "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"accessDenied\",\"message\":\"Access denied\",\"innerError\":{\"date\":\"2023-06-01T03:21:41\",\"request-id\":\"fac246e5-b7ef-4e44-a735-779b05657919\",\"client-request-id\":\"fac246e5-b7ef-4e44-a735-779b05657919\"}}}"

2023/05/31 23:21:28 DEBUG : ann: config in: state="choose_type", result=""
2023/05/31 23:21:28 DEBUG : ann: config out: out=&{State:choose_type_done Option:onedrive OAuth:<nil> Error: Result:}, err=<nil>
2023/05/31 23:21:28 DEBUG : ann: config: reading config parameter "config_type"
Option config_type.
Type of connection
Choose a number from below, or type in an existing string value.
Press Enter for the default (onedrive).
 1 / OneDrive Personal or Business
   \ (onedrive)
 2 / Root Sharepoint site
   \ (sharepoint)
   / Sharepoint site name or URL
 3 | E.g. mysite or
   \ (url)
 4 / Search for a Sharepoint site
   \ (search)
 5 / Type in driveID (advanced)
   \ (driveid)
 6 / Type in SiteID (advanced)
   \ (siteid)
   / Sharepoint server-relative path (advanced)
 7 | E.g. /teams/hr
   \ (path)
config_type> 2023/05/31 23:21:47 Failed to read line: EOF


Is it business or personal account?

If business than it looks like administrator blocked access for rclone. Or maybe for any unauthorized apps.

It is a personal onedrive account.

I'm doing some google searches on authorization. The rclone software has full access to my drive, so it says.

This keeps repeating over and over.:

I have 2 other personal onedrive accounts that work perfectly!

could you please post ann remote configuration from rclone.config file here?

If I simply use a browser to go to I can upload/view pictures/download content. Nothing seems wrong.

I hope this is what you are referring to? I ran "rclone config file" to get the location of rclone.conf.

As you can see I have three Microsoft Onedrive accounts configured. the other two work perfectly.

Is there a specific command with output that you need?

type = onedrive
token = DELETED
drive_id = 94fd45ed11c34f8c
drive_type = personal

type = onedrive
token = DELETE
drive_id = 18976af85db58b22
drive_type = personal

type = onedrive
token = DELETED

One thing I can see that's clearly missing from Ann is the "drive_id" and "drive_type".
presumably this is because I'm unable to complete the configuration all the way so that I can quit the config program normally.

When I run this command:
rclone config update ann

It launches my web browser so I can log in and authenticate to Microsoft and it comes back with a success message and then in the DOS box I have this picture that I'm putting here that is scrolling furiously:

Thx. Yeah it look legit and nothing obviously wrong here - ann remote is incomplete but errors explain it.

I am not sure what is going on here

I have tried myself to recreate similar stage of config with my onedrive account:

type = onedrive
token = DELETED

and then rclone config update ann

no issues - browser starts - auth - job done

So I doubt it is rclone problem. It can be either your computer or OneDrive account. Now you mentioned that the same is happening on Linux and Windows - it let me believe something very specific is about this particular onedrive account.

As you already got to the onedrive account permission page - what about to remove all RC permissions from there? And start clean

More information:

I found a program called raidrive that lets me mount remote cloud storage.

When I try to mount ann drive with that software, it works, for the most part. It creates drive F: on my local computer to this very same account that I cannot use at all with rclone.

It lets me browse all of my subfolders and see my files but if I try and click on a file it tells me that I don't have permission to open it.

As you use windows what about

just to test. Normally it gives you full access to the drive.


I will go into the account and delete rclone Software as having permission to the account so that it can be re-added in the possibility that it might help resolve the problem. Somehow I don't think that it will because I found this other program that I mentioned called raidrive. It's a company that is for profit but they have a free version of their software for basic use with Google and Microsoft and a couple of others. I can get farther along with this other software as it is capable of actually mounting the file system and letting me browse the file system just not use the files.

At this point I'm not sure what to do because if I try and contact Microsoft and ask them and tell them that when I use a web browser everything is normal but when I use third party software it's not they may not help me at all.

There is another program that I found called cyber duck that is free to mount Microsoft Onedrive and it is also capable of authenticating and mounting the drive and letting me scroll through the file system but not actually access any of the files.

Considering that this is not a very important account for me it's one I use for testing purposes as a beta tester of windows I might simply create a new test account and hope that it works and then just abandon this one. I'm the type of technical person that wants to know why it doesn't work only at this point i'm running out of patience and it seems that no software it's third party can properly access the drive.

Something must be wrong with the account but I have no idea what.

This is why I would try with webdav - as this is part of windows. So if does not work fully it is very clear case to contact Microsoft.

I tried following the webdav instructions for file explorer. I keep getting an error saying the folder does not appear to be valid. I have a Windows app called Winscp. It's a free program that supports SFTP and Webdav fortunately. I can successfully connect to my known working with rclone onedrive accounts.

I've been trying for the last hour and a half to get the rclone webdav server support to connect to the accounts that I know work and I can't figure out all the proper syntax in the software whether I'm using the command line or the GUI. Webdav Is very particular about how things are configured and I can't figure out how to put in the correct information into rclone config.

rclone seems to want the webdav server to be a sharepoint server witch it might be. Not sure.

Can you point me toward rclone webdav instructions? I will check the docs page.

i've been Wanting to learn how to connect to webdav servers in Windows for a long time but never got it quite right. The instructions you gave me seem correct according to other web pages that I have looked at with similar instructions. Bing AI Chat gave me The same instructions and when I put them into windows I keep getting this error message:

in web browser login to your onedrive, when done URL will look like this:

copy XXXXXXXXXXXXXX and then open File Explorer and enter:

press enter and login (I think it needs app password and wont work with 2FA)

Done. Now you can browse your onedrive in File Explorer.

I need a mental break for a few hours. My brain is mush.

Thanks for everything. I will try all this again later.

Nothing I'm following is working for me.

The rclone webdav gui settings seem straight forward but I still can't get it to connect.

I haven't given up yet.

Guess what? I got webdav to work one time in file explorer and discovered that I had trouble copying large files so I did some research. Turns out that Windows has a default 50 megabyte limit on file size. I found instructions on how to go into the registry and increase the file size that you're allowed to use with webdav.

I have decided to abandon the account ann. Something is clearly wrong with it and they don't know what. It was only for testing anyway.

my 2 production one drive accounts both work which is what's important to me. And I created successfully an SFTP connection to one of my machines.

Webdav is just not for me. It works perfectly in my Windows app Winscp in case I ever get desperate to need it..

Thank you for all of your help.

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