Question files on one dime

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

I want to list or copy files one date example. list all files edited on 2021-04-09 or one other date.

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)

Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)


Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

version 1.55.0

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

rclone ls --max-age 8d --min-age 1d
rclone ls --max-age "2021-04-01" --min-age "2021-04-09" 

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

A log from the command with the -vv flag

dosnt list anything

I think you want to do this to list files on a single day

$ rclone lsl --max-age "2021-04-09" --min-age "2021-04-10" .
        6 2021-04-09 16:03:27.878190904 file.txt

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