Question about Google Drive usage & duplicates

I'm trying to dedupe my Google Drive. The best way I've found is by using

rclone lsf drive: --files-only --fast-list --checkers 200 --format hipst --hash MD5 -R | tee items.txt

and then finding lines that have matching hash & size. Works pretty well.

However, I notice that there are 2 scenarios:
(a) multiple items have the same hash, but different ids
(b) multiple items have the same hash AND same id, but different paths


9ff7d28424708f3fc028a274b715dbf3;1PxabcOG_Tsx-5DdmtHpGjVOdagLuWFTW;SHELLY/SHK/COMPLETED VIDEOS/CANA DE AZUCAR/MEDIA/Day1/INTERVIEW/C0023.MP4;9733751771;2016-02-05 05:53:16
9ff7d28424708f3fc028a274b715dbf3;1_J-dR0QtTBYabcTh4jn_x6dfp0Z-JaBK;SHELLY/COCINA/CanaDeAzucar/Day1/INTERVIEW/C0023.MP4;9733751771;2019-06-23 07:36:10
9ff7d28424708f3fc028a274b715dbf3;1_J-dR0QtTBYabcTh4jn_x6dfp0Z-JaBK;archive/disks2019/media/MEDIA/COCINA/CanaDeAzucar/Day1/INTERVIEW/C0023.MP4;9733751771;2019-06-23 07:36:10

All 3 have same hash and size; 2 also have same id; all have different path.

My question is: in scenario (b) is there 1 original and the rest are aliases – and therefore deleting the dupes would not save any space?

What about in (a) – if the id is different does it mean that deleting the "copies" would save space?

And if anyone is interested, this script will take the output of the above and

  1. find dupes (where id & size both match)
  2. organize them in groups
  3. calculate the humanized 'dupe' space usage (for now ignoring my question above!)
  4. give a grand total of wasted space
  5. save to a file dupes.txt
sort -t ';' -k4,4n -k1,1 lsf.txt | awk -F ';' '
function humanize(bytes) {
    suffix = "B";
    if (bytes >= 1024) { bytes /= 1024; suffix = "KiB"; }
    if (bytes >= 1024) { bytes /= 1024; suffix = "MiB"; }
    if (bytes >= 1024) { bytes /= 1024; suffix = "GiB"; }
    return sprintf("%.3f %s", bytes, suffix);

    group_key = $4 ";" $1;
    if (group_key == prev) {
        if (seen[group_key] == 1) {
            print prev_line;
        if (seen[group_key] > 0) {  # calculate the size of duplicates, exclude the first occurrence
            size_of_duplicates += $4;
    } else {
        if (seen[prev] > 1) {  # Only print for duplicates
            print "Size of duplicates: " humanize(size_of_duplicates);
            total_dupes_size += size_of_duplicates;
            size_of_duplicates = 0;  # reset for the next group
            print "";
        seen[group_key] = 1;
        prev_line = $0;
        group_size = $4;
        size_of_duplicates = 0;  # Reset duplicates size for the new group
    prev = group_key;
    if (seen[prev] > 1) {
        print "Size of duplicates: " humanize(size_of_duplicates);
        total_dupes_size += size_of_duplicates;
        print "";
    print "Total size of all duplicates: " humanize(total_dupes_size);
}' | tee dupes.txt
